Chapter 413 Ate a wave of dog food

A group of people came to a high-end restaurant led by Lan Yan, and they sat down in separate boxes.

"This is the most famous restaurant in country A, and I haven't tried it yet! I happen to try it with you today."

Lan Yan took the ipad for ordering food, looked at the various foods inside, and said to An Qiaoran on the left.

Zhao Qiaoqiao: "Since it is the most upscale restaurant, why haven't you eaten there?"

Jiang Hao: "Yes! It stands to reason that you also grew up in country A, so you should have already tasted it."

The two of them kept talking, which made Lan Yan a little embarrassed, "This is what Yun Mo told me. I have been staying at home and haven't gone out much."

She couldn't remember the memories of the past, she was on the island when she woke up, and she didn't know anything about the world on the shore.

Zhao Qiaoqiao gave a clear "oh", lowered her head to play with her mobile phone, and didn't speak any more.

As for the Yunmo he was talking about, since he grounded An Qiaoran on the island last time, she didn't have a good impression of him, so she didn't talk much about it.

Lan Yan was discussing the dishes with An Qiaoran, when Yun Mo beside him said again, "If you like it, I will take you to the underwater park some other day."

"Underwater park?" Lan Yan looked at him curiously upon hearing this, "What is that place?"

Just as Yun Mo was about to speak, Sun Xu, who had been silent on the opposite side, said, "In Zhongqing Lake, you just dive to the bottom and see the underwater world."

Yun Mo glared at Sun Xu fiercely: No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak.

Sun Xu pretended not to see it, and lowered his head to play with his phone.

"Diving? Not interested." Hearing what Sun Xu said, Lan Yan immediately lost interest.

Underwater park?Sounds good, but she's not interested in diving.

After Lan Yanjiang finished ordering, she turned to An Qiaoran and asked, "Sister Ran Ran, do you like diving?"

An Qiaoran thought for a while, then shook his head, "I haven't dived before, so I can't say whether I like it or not."

"Then how about... let's go together some other day?" Lan Yan suggested happily.

Before An Qiaoran could answer, Yun Mo spoke, "Didn't you say you're not interested?"

Why do you still say you want to go with this An Qiaoran?

"I'm not interested in you, but I'm very interested in Sister Ran Ran." Lan Yan didn't give Yun Mo any face at all.

"Try to say it again?" Yun Mo narrowed his eyes angrily.

Because of these words, Yun Mo successfully attracted the attention of the people in the room, especially Zhao Qiaoqiao, who was so frightened that he dared not breathe.

Why is this great god scarier than Lu Yuchen when he gets angry?
Lan Yan was already used to him like this, so she didn't take it seriously at all, and stuck out her tongue at him mischievously.

Yunmo: "..."

Is she really not afraid of him?Spoiled by him?

Just when everyone thought that the majestic prince of country A would throw the table angrily, he just bowed his head and remained silent.

It can be seen that I can't bear to touch my mouth!
Seeing these two people throwing dog food just after leaving the country, An Qiaoran really couldn't bear it, and really missed Lu Yuchen.

I don't know if he has eaten now?Or work overtime in the company and swear?Or, is it like her, thinking about her?

Just as An Qiaoran was thinking about it, the food was served. Besides the rich dishes, there was also a bottle of milk and a bottle of red wine.

When seeing the red wine, An Qiaoran looked at Lan Yan in surprise, "Yan'er, do you still drink?"

"It didn't happen before, but it did later."

As Lan Yan spoke, she poured a glass of red wine into the wine glass, but just as she was about to put it in her mouth, a big hand snatched it away.

"What are you doing?" Lan Yan looked at Yun Mo beside her and asked dissatisfied.

"Drinking too much wine is not good for your stomach. Besides, you will have a headache when you wake up tomorrow, so don't drink it." Yun Mo said with a frown, and handed the wine to Sun Xu who was opposite him, regardless of whether he would take it or not. He took it and placed it directly in front of him.

Sun Xu: "..."

Seeing Yun Mo's affection for Lan Yan, An Qiaoran was very happy, and was about to say something when the phone in her bag rang.

(End of this chapter)

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