Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 430 He just arrived, so you think about him?

Chapter 430 He Just Arrived, Thinking Of Him Going Back?
As soon as their lips touched, An Qiaoran reached out and pushed him away.

Lu Yuchen was a little upset when he didn't get a kiss, and complained dissatisfiedly, "An Qiaoran, I've been abstinent for three months because of you, and you still refuse me?"

She doesn't even know how he got here without her these days, and misses her to death, but what about her?Just talk about thinking about him, but there are 1 rejections in my heart.

Lu Yuchen's dissatisfied words fell into An Qiaoran's ears, and An Qiaoran couldn't help being startled, as if he didn't expect him to say this.


"Then if you can't bear it, why don't you go find a woman?" An Qiaoran pouted, "Anyway, there are too many women who go to the group every day to find you. Who knows if you made an exception?"

Hearing An Qiaoran's words, Lu Yuchen frowned at her, "Ah Heng told you?"

He wasn't interested in those women who posted them upside down, but Ah Heng made a small report.

"Aheng is my man now, so I know what you did in the group, why? Are you guilty?"

An Qiaoran pushed Lu Yuchen away, then sat up, and spoke casually, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of her mouth.

"I didn't do anything, why should I be guilty?" Lu Yuchen half leaned on the bed, reaching out to embrace An Qiaoran beside him into his arms.

An Qiaoran struggled a few times, then leaned obediently in his arms.

"I didn't say anything, but I saw the video of you and that woman in the office, and I still quibble."


Hearing An Qiaoran's words, Lu Yuchen frowned even tighter, and couldn't help but glance down at the woman in his arms, just in time to see the faint smile on the corner of An Qiaoran's mouth.

Seeing this, Lu Yuchen seemed to understand something, she dared to feel that she was testing him.

Thinking about it, he hooked the corner of his mouth, and said solemnly, "Where is the video? Show me..."

An Qiaoran originally thought that he would say that there was no video, but he didn't expect him to say that, and suddenly felt a little ashamed.

There is no video at all, what should she say?Did he do it on purpose?

An Qiaoran bit her lower lip, then said bitterly, "You really did something good behind my back."

"It's not the video you said?" Lu Yuchen couldn't help but feel a little funny seeing An Qiaoran like this.

She can't tell the difference, so use him as the top bag!
Sure enough, after An Qiaoran listened to Lu Yuchen's words, his whole body was in a bad mood, and he felt that he had no place to stand.

Just when she was about to say something, Lu Yuchen's voice sounded, "Those women can't enter the group building at all, don't listen to that kid Ah Heng's nonsense."

It was true that many women went to the group building to make trouble, but his security guards were not decorations, and he dared not let anyone in without his permission, unless he wanted to be fired.

Hearing what Lu Yuchen seemed to explain, An Qiaoran felt much relieved.

She was just trying to test him and make a joke with him, so she didn't believe him.

After all, before meeting her, he had been abstinent for 30 years, and this was only three months.

Leaning in Lu Yuchen's arms, An Qiaoran felt very happy. It had been a long time since she felt so happy.

It seems that she really cannot do without Lu Yuchen more and more.

"Are you done with your work? When are you going back?"

There are two months before she can go back, so he seems to be very reluctant to let him go.

"You just want me to go back after I came here?" Hearing this, Lu Yuchen glanced at her with lowered eyes and asked with a frown.

"No! I'm just afraid that you will delay your career because of me." An Qiaoran couldn't help curling her lips when she heard what he said.

I heard from Ah Heng that he has been very busy these three months, but now he came here to see her, she was only worried about his career.

(End of this chapter)

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