Chapter 431 Give Me a Little Princess

"What are you afraid of? I can still afford you." Lu Yuchen lowered his chin on her head and spoke magnetically.

With her little appetite, he can still afford it.


Lu Yuchen held her shoulders, suddenly thought of something, then let go of her, looked her over carefully, then frowned and said, "You're thinner."

"Thinner?" An Qiaoran touched his face subconsciously, "No! I'm still the same as before, 45 kilograms."

"I think it's thinner, no, it has to be made up." Lu Yuchen said with a conclusion.

An Qiaoran: "..."

How can she make up for her ninety catties?If you make it up, you will become a pig. You know, she is heavier than Zhao Qiaoqiao!
"This weight is quite normal." An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen's handsome face and said helplessly.

"Normal?" Lu Yuchen reached out and grabbed her wrist, with a look of disgust on his face, "It's normal for you with thin arms and legs, which doctor told you that? You're a doctor, so you don't understand this bit of common sense. "

Lu Yuchen's words made An Qiaoran speechless this time, her forehead was covered with black lines.

What does her weight have to do with the doctor?He also hated it.

"Why do you care so much about my figure all of a sudden?" An Qiaoran looked at him speechlessly, suddenly puzzled, he didn't care so much about her weight and figure before, and now he is forcing her to make up her body, which is tricky.

"Too thin is not good for the baby." Lu Yuchen blurted out subconsciously without any thought, and didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said.


After hearing Lu Yuchen's words, An Qiaoran's eyes widened in shock, she looked at Lu Yuchen in disbelief, and asked, ""

Lu Yuchen looked at her surprised face, couldn't help but reached out to stroke her forehead hair, and said in a magnetic voice, "I want you to give me a little princess, can't you?"

After listening to Lu Yuchen's words, An Qiaoran was stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment.

That's why he suddenly cared so much about her figure.

But why did he suddenly have this idea?She hadn't thought about it.

"An Qiaoran, we have been together for so long and you haven't moved. Tell me honestly, did you do something wrong?"

Lu Yuchen said this suddenly, which made An Qiaoran very helpless, "What can I do? Besides, this matter should have nothing to do with me."

It's not her thing to have a baby alone, so how can she be blamed?Besides, she wouldn't take any contraceptive pills or the like, which would hurt her body.

"Could it be my relationship?"

Lu Yuchen suddenly lowered his eyes and approached her, and asked ambiguously.

He works so hard every time, so it has nothing to do with him.

Lu Yuchen's handsome face was right in front of An Qiaoran, such a close distance made An Qiaoran a little uncomfortable, the temperature on his face gradually rose, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

"That has nothing to do with me..." An Qiaoran lowered her head and spoke softly, her tone was very soft, and she was very confident.

Although her voice was low, Lu Yuchen still heard it.

"I can't control that much, you have to give me a little princess." Lu Yuchen became a little impatient, quickly pressed An Qiaoran under him, and breathed in her ear ambiguously.

Such an intimate action made An Qiaoran shudder involuntarily.

Hearing what he said, she couldn't help being a little puzzled, "Why the little princess? Don't you want to have a little bun?"

All men like boys, right?This Lu Yuchen was obviously different.

(End of this chapter)

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