Chapter 461 Never recognized her
After Cao Qing left, An Qiaoran picked up the tea on the table and took a sip, looked at the huge office, and then looked at Lan Yan.

"Yan'er, have you been here?"

As far as she knew, she should seldom come ashore, and spent most of her time in the castle on the island.

Moreover, the people in the castle should be very afraid of her going out of the island, so she should have never been here.

"No." Lan Yan shook her head, "Yunmo seldom comes to the company because of me. If there is no important matter, he will deal with affairs in the castle."

When Lan Yan said this, she paused for a moment, and then said, "Sometimes I want to go out of the island, and I have to be accompanied by him, but in order not to delay his business, I also refrained from coming out."

Hearing her words, An Qiaoran was also very helpless, "Yan'er, tell me honestly, what kind of relationship do you have with Yun Mo now?"

The reason why she asked this question was because she saw that every time Lan Yan talked about Yun Mo, the expression on her face was very gloomy, and her tone of voice was also very flat.

Anyway, she could no longer see that pure and beautiful smile on her face. It seemed that she became like this because of the abortion pill incident.

Is it because the child is sad?But that's an ectopic pregnancy, so I can't keep it!
When Lan Yan heard this, the expression on her face became even more bleak.

She closed her eyes, and then said softly, "It was impossible for me and him to begin with. He is leading everything now. I love this man very much, but...some things are beyond my control."

An Qiaoran's heart trembled when he heard this, "Are you referring to his father?"

Lan Yan nodded, "His father never recognized me, and tried to send me off the island countless times, but every time, it was Yun Mo who resisted his father and kept me, taking care of me meticulously While competing with his younger brother for performance, he sent someone to protect me, for fear that his father would harm me."

Speaking of this, Lan Yan's face is full of pain, she will never forget what his father said to her.

His father once said that as long as he was around, she would not be able to marry into the Yun family.As long as she is still on the island, he will keep chasing her away!

In short, he will not accept her!will never!

His father is like this, but Yunmo has deep affection for her.

She thought about giving up the days of being looked down upon by everyone, because in that castle, everyone except Yun Mo and the housekeeper hated her deeply, and even those humble maids looked down on her.

She wanted to escape, she didn't want to live like that.

But as long as she thought of Yun Mo who had rebelled against his father time and time again for her, she would feel very sad and heartbroken.

So, she decided that for Yunmo, she was willing to endure those people's white eyes and resentful eyes. As long as she could be with him, it didn't matter what happened to her.

However, everything was so unexpected.

In this pregnancy, she thought she could finally be a mother, but his father was still ruthless.

If it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy this time, and the child was murdered by his father, then she would never go back, and would never have anything to do with Yun Mo again.

Because with him, she really didn't know how many blows she could take.

So, she decided to move out, move out of the castle, and never go back.

As for Yun Mo, it doesn't matter what happens to him.

Lan Yan told An Qiaoran all the pain in her heart, and after hearing this, An Qiaoran was deeply touched.

Suddenly, he remembered that Lu Yuchen's grandmother poisoned her to prevent her from being with Lu Yuchen.

(End of this chapter)

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