Chapter 462 The Crazy Man

Thinking about it this way, her and Lan Yan's fates were so similar, for a while, she didn't know how to comfort her.

"Everything will pass, don't think so much, let nature take its course! You just need to think that the man you love is also loving you, caring for you, and protecting you, and it will be fine."

"That's the only way." Lan Yan smiled bitterly.

No matter what, she couldn't stop it.

An Qiaoran reached out and patted her hand, nodded to her, "I'll go to the bathroom first, don't run around here."

"I'll go with you!" Lan Yan said.

"No need." An Qiaoran shook his head, "I think you're in a bad mood, so just take a rest here! I can go by myself."

An Qiaoran stood up, left the office, and followed the signs to find the bathroom.

After she came out, she stood in front of the faucet and washed her hands. There was also a man in a suit standing there, who should be the senior member of the company, right next to her.

An Qiaoran didn't think much, and continued to wash his own.

Just washing and washing, she found that a straight gaze fell on her, so she raised her eyes and met the man who was looking at her.

The man had short gray-yellow hair and an awkward face.

The reason why he said it was awkward was because An Qiaoran didn't think this man was a good person, and there was a vicious look in his eyes, as if someone owed him more than 800 million.

His face is not very handsome, but he can still see it. Looking carefully, he seems to have some similarities with Yun Mo.

Could it be...he is Yun Mo's younger brother, Yun Xiao?Not so coincidental, is it?Met when she went to the toilet?

Moreover, the way he looked at her at this time was not very friendly, it would be better to leave now.

So, An Qiaoran smiled at him, then turned around, ready to run away.

However, the moment he turned around, the man's cold voice suddenly sounded, "Stop!"

The voice was not too loud, but it made An Qiaoran stop. His voice was inherently cool, and An Qiaoran couldn't help shivering.

After a while, she turned around stiffly, facing the man, and asked softly, "What can I do for you?"

The man's cold eyes fell on her, and An Qiaoran was despised, "You are not from the company, why are you here?"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned.

Daringly, is this treating her as a spy?

An Qiaoran was thinking about what to say, and after much deliberation, she just said, "I came in with Cao Tezhu."

Since he is from the company, he should know Cao Qing.

Hearing this, the man's thick eyebrows frowned suddenly, frowning, he looked at An Qiaoran's whole body, not letting go of any clues.

An Qiaoran just stood like this, letting him look at her, but this feeling made her feel a little uncomfortable and didn't like it very much.

The man sized her up for a moment, then suddenly smiled, and took a step forward, getting a little closer to her.

The sudden approach made An Qiaoran subconsciously take a step back, "What are you doing?"

"What's your name?" The man didn't answer her question, but reached out and lifted her chin, his voice changed from the cold voice before, and became a little more playful.

An Qiaoran was still dissatisfied with the man's touch, so he stretched out his hand and opened his hand, "Be more respectful!"

"Respect?" The man laughed mockingly, and continued to move forward, forcing An Qiaoran against the wall.

One hand was placed across her head, and the other continued to lift her chin, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are!" An Qiaoran opened his hand and said coldly, "Don't touch me! Get out of the way!"

The man became impatient with her beating, and continued to approach her, "Girl, I not only want to touch you, but I also want to kiss you."

As he spoke, the man forcibly raised her head, lowered his head, and prepared to kiss her.

An Qiaoran's heart tightened, and she pushed him hard, seeing the man's lips were about to fall...

"Stop!" A strong male voice suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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