Chapter 484 Chat with you

"I have handed over the meeting to the vice president. If you want, you can assist him."

Mo Yixuan said coldly, then walked to the side chair and sat down, and began to wait for An Qiaoran.

Seeing him like this, Ning Ke'er's expression turned a little dark, "Mr. Mo, even if you wait here for a day, you won't be able to wait. This is the General Hospital. There are a lot of patients, and there must be a lot of operations. You can't say a few words to him." Yes, let's go back!"

"I'm willing to wait."

Mo Yixuan glanced at her, didn't say any more, and began to stare at the light on the operating door, expecting An Qiaoran to come out as soon as possible.

Seeing Mo Yixuan's persistent appearance, Ning Ke'er didn't know what to say for a while, feeling a little depressed.

In her impression, Mo Yixuan was a cold and heartless person.Every day he was with her, he hardly ever smiled.

And apart from work matters, he didn't say a word to anyone else, and he didn't seem to have any feelings for everyone.

It was because of this that she thought he was a man without feelings.

However, until that day in Xingda Plaza, he went to rescue the woman he called a friend without hesitation.

Not only that, but he was also very gentle to her. The most rare thing was that she saw an unprecedented smile on his face, which was the most sincere smile and also the most affectionate smile.

From that day on, he gave her a completely different feeling, and he, who was never good at speaking, would know how to care for his subordinates.

And all these changes are because of this woman named An Qiaoran.

At this moment, she was very curious, what kind of woman is this An Qiaoran?What is the relationship with him?So much so that he didn't even go to the meeting because of her.

She also saw it in the hospital that day. Apart from his good looks, she couldn't see any good things about him.

But what was her relationship with Mr. Mo before?Why, as soon as Mr. Mo saw her, his eyes shone with brilliance.

He seems to like her very much...

But... If she remembers correctly, this An Qiaoran should be Lu Yuchen's wife. How could Mr. Mo poach other people's corners?And that person was still Lu Yuchen.

However, no matter what the facts are, no matter whether Mo Zong really likes An Qiaoran, neither he nor she is possible.

Because there is Lu Yuchen in the middle, that man is not very easy to mess with.

So she didn't have any unnecessary worries about this matter at all. Maybe everything was just Mr. Mo's own sentimentality.

Thinking of this, Ning Ke'er's originally unwilling mood relaxed a little.


An Qiaoran's operation lasted for more than two hours, and Mo Yixuan also waited in the corridor of the hospital for more than two hours.

More than two hours later, An Qiaoran came out of the operating room. Just as she walked out of the door of the operating room, a man suddenly ran up to her.

"Ran Ran, you finally came out." Mo Yixuan stood in front of her, looked at her excitedly, and said happily.

An Qiaoran looked at the man in front of him, was a little stunned, and asked suspiciously, "Yixuan, why are you here?"

He... seems to be very idle.

"I..." Mo Yixuan paused, looking at the plaster on his hand, he had an idea, and made up an excuse, "I came here to change the plaster, but there are many patients, so I came here first Look at you, talk to you."

What Mo Yixuan said was well-founded, but An Qiaoran didn't really believe it, but he didn't think too much about it, and nodded, "Oh."

(End of this chapter)

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