Chapter 485 Still angry with him?

An Qiaoran took off the gloves on his hands and said, "I have another operation later, I may not have so much time to talk to you, I'm really sorry."

Hearing what she said, Mo Yixuan didn't have any unpleasant expression on his face, but said straightforwardly, "It's nothing, you go and do your work, I'll change the plaster later, and then come to you again, if you are in If you are busy, then I will wait for you and treat you to a meal after get off work!"

There was a smile on Mo Yixuan's face, which showed how good he was.

Over a year, both he and she have changed.She also couldn't see what he was thinking.

It seems that he has really forgotten the past, and he has become much more generous, and he has laid his heart on her. Is this her illusion?
An Qiaoran shook her head, shook off the thoughts in her head, and looked up at Mo Yixuan, "Then you go first, I'm going to be busy, as for eating... let's talk about it after I get off work!"

How can she say that she is also Lu Yuchen's wife now, how can she casually have dinner with other men?
When An Qiaoran said that, he refused in a way, but Mo Yixuan nodded as if he didn't understand, "Okay! I'll wait for you."

An Qiaoran didn't know whether he really didn't understand or pretended not to understand, but she didn't say much, just nodded.Then go around him and leave.

Looking at the back of An Qiaoran going away, Mo Yixuan's eyes suddenly darkened, and his brows frowned slightly.

An Qiaoran's work did not change because of Mo Yixuan's arrival.

Afterwards, An Qiaoran entered the operating room many times one after another, and every time he came out, he would see Mo Yixuan sitting on a chair beside him.But they just smiled at each other and didn't say anything in the past.

Perhaps in the past, An Qiaoran would definitely talk to Mo Yixuan without any barriers.

But now more than a year has passed, and she doesn't know him at all, so she doesn't know what to say.

And he always had a feeling that Mo Yixuan's reappearance was definitely not a good thing, so she instinctively wanted to avoid him, but she couldn't tear herself apart, so she could only freeze.


At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, An Qiaoran successfully got off work, and Mo Yixuan, who had been waiting in the corridor, heaved a sigh of relief.

Seeing An Qiaoran who changed into casual clothes, he walked over, "Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner."

An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, thinking about what kind of excuse he should use to reject it, but before he could think of it, Mo Yixuan's voice sounded again.

"Look, I've been waiting for you here for so long, and you don't even want to show me your face. Would you like to have a meal with me? It's just a simple meal."

Mo Yixuan specifically said that he had been waiting here for her for a long time, no doubt to force An Qiaoran to agree.

Because he knew that An Qiaoran was the kind who didn't want to owe favors to anyone, even if that person was him.

An Qiaoran also thought the same way, after all Mo Yixuan had been waiting for her here for several hours, it seemed a little unreasonable for her to leave just like that.

But... She always felt that she was sorry for Lu Yuchen by doing this...

She promised him not to talk to other men. She knew that "talk" contained several meanings, so even if Lu Yuchen didn't know, she wouldn't go with him.

Thinking of An Qiaoran, he smiled back and said, "Yixuan, I'm so sorry, I made an appointment with Yan'er to take her to find a house, so... I'm really sorry, I have to wait another day."

After speaking, An Qiaoran smiled apologetically at him to show his sincerity.

It's just that when Mo Yixuan looked at her smile, the gentleness on his face gradually became colder.

"Ran Ran, are you still angry with me?"

"What?" His sudden seriousness made An Qiaoran somewhat at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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