Chapter 523
The courtyard of the hospital was already full of reporters, surrounded by security guards to prevent anyone from rushing up.

As soon as Lu Yuchen came up with An Qiaoran in his arms, cheers for Lu Yuchen resounded at the scene, and the voice was frighteningly loud.

Many reporters were about to move, but they were all stopped by the security guards.

Faced with such a scene, Lu Yuchen was naturally used to it, and walked in front of the public reporters with his arms around An Qiaoran expressionlessly, facing them.

The reporters in the audience were already in an uproar. At this time, there were twice as many reporters present than Lu Yuchen's public marriage. One can imagine how chaotic the scene was.

It was the first time for An Qiaoran to see such a situation. Standing with Lu Yuchen, being watched by so many people, he inevitably felt a little uncomfortable.

At this time, the big palm around her waist suddenly tightened a little, as if to comfort her and reassure her.

An Qiaoran turned to look at his side face, and smiled. Wherever he is, there will always be a lot of sense of security.

The dean and director came one after another, and finally was Chen Lanxue in a wheelchair.

Her appearance undoubtedly made many reporters suspicious.

After all, before anything happened, Chen Lanxue was still able to walk with the support of others, but now that she fell to the ground, she has become what she is now, and can only sit in a wheelchair.

One can imagine how bad her fall was?

Chen Lanxue always had a faint smile on the face of the reporters, and she had already won the sympathy of a large number of reporters without opening her mouth.

The protagonists are all present and ready to begin.

The dean took a microphone and said to the reporter, "Calm down, everyone. You can ask questions after Young Master Lu has finished speaking."

After the dean's words fell, the discussion in the audience continued, buzzing, as if it would never stop.

If this noise continues, the press conference cannot be held.

Lu Yuchen obviously didn't have that much patience, and directly grabbed the microphone from the dean's hand, and his cold words spread throughout the audience, "If you want to listen, just calm down, if you don't want to listen, everyone dismisses!"

As soon as Lu Yuchen's words came out of his mouth, An Qiaoran couldn't help becoming worried.

This is a media reporter, how did he say such a thing?Are you not afraid of people writing indiscriminately?
After Lu Yuchen's words fell, the reporters who were still discussing in the audience suddenly became much quieter, only small voices remained, and finally nothing, only silence remained.

Facts have proved that An Qiaoran's worry is completely unnecessary, and Lu Yuchen's warning is effective.

The whole process finally calmed down, Lu Yuchen's ears felt much better, and he started his own narration.

"The reason why the press conference is held is to solemnly declare to everyone that An Qiaoran and I will never divorce. Everything before is nonsense."

Lu Yuchen's cold voice spread through the microphone to all corners off the field, and many reporters began to discuss in low voices.

"Please remember every word I'm going to say next. If what I said will appear in your questions later, I won't answer it!"

The audience was extremely quiet, and the reporters all shut up, listening to Lu Yuchen's narration with full attention.

"First of all, you don't need to speculate about my marriage with An Qiaoran. Let me declare again that we will never divorce! Secondly, An Qiaoran is also my wife, Lu Yuchen, who has disclosed to the media. I believe in her character. , will never do such a despicable thing! If everyone doubts my wife's character, it is doubting my vision!"

As soon as these words came out, most of the reporters widened their eyes in disbelief, and were shocked by Lu Yuchen's statement.

Don't believe that An Qiaoran is doubting Lu Yuchen's vision?

Who doesn't know that Lu Yuchen is the richest man in the world?The eyes are higher than the top, does he like ordinary women?Would he like a vulgar woman?Not to mention the scheming bitch Bai Lianhua.

(End of this chapter)

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