Chapter 524 is a clarification

The reporters all wanted to ask, but they didn't want to interrupt the progress of the press conference, so they could only listen silently.

"About the online video of my wife An Qiaoran pushing the patient down, it needs to be investigated, so don't believe it all." Lu Yuchen said, then suddenly raised a hand, "Everyone, please watch the big screen."

At the same time, the big screen behind Lu Yuchen was turned on, and a video appeared on the field, to be precise, it was a surveillance video.

Needless to say, it was very clear, it was the monitoring that An Qiaoran and Chen Lanxue were walking in the courtyard that day, and Chen Lanxue stumbled and fell to the ground.

The surveillance location is relatively close to the scene of the incident, and the whole process of what happened at that time was photographed carefully and clearly.

After reading it, the reporters all felt guilty, and after a long time, it was an oolong incident.

An Qiaoran just wanted to help the sick Chen Lanxue to the ward, but Chen Lanxue accidentally fell to the ground.

Didn't expect... all this was a misunderstanding?

All the reporters looked at each other.

Lu Yuchen's indifferent voice sounded again, "This is a misunderstanding, please clarify it quickly, otherwise... I won't let it go!"

There was a little danger in Lu Yuchen's voice, and all the reporters were still a little apprehensive when they heard it.

However, since it was a misunderstanding, it should be clarified.

"Don't worry, Young Master Lu, we will register the report when we get back." A reporter suddenly promised Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen smiled indifferently, "It's best!"

Glancing at Chen Lanxue who was silent in a wheelchair, she said, "Where did this video come from, and who made it, I will definitely find out and sue her for defamation!"

An Qiaoran stood beside Lu Yuchen and didn't speak, as Lu Yuchen had already said everything he needed to say.

The video has already been clarified, and the rumors about not getting divorced have also been clarified.

Lu Yuchen didn't say anything more, and handed the microphone to the dean, "Young Master Lu has finished speaking, now please ask questions so that Young Master Lu can answer, please ask questions one by one, everyone still has ten minutes of time."

After the words were finished, a reporter asked first, "Young Master Lu dotes on his wife so much. Seeing that you are so loving, I really want to know if you have had any small quarrels, or have you always been so sweet?"

This question stunned An Qiaoran who was next to Lu Yuchen. She originally thought that these reporters were asking about the incident, but she didn't expect...they cared so much about her and Lu Yuchen's private life.

"It's always been so sweet." Lu Yuchen hugged An Qiaoran tightly, facing the reporter with a faint smile on his face.

An Qiaoran: "..."

He really dared to speak out, as if he and her had never quarreled.

After hearing Lu Yuchen's answer, the reporter also laughed, and joked, "Young Master Lu and Ms. An have such a good relationship."

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, and the dean beside him said, "Okay, next one."

The next one was also a female reporter, "Seeing that Young Master Lu believes in his wife so much? Then I really want to know if you have ever suspected the relationship between your wife and her boyfriend..."

The reporter's question was just right, and she didn't say those words on purpose, but... everyone knew that she was referring to the promise Mo Yixuan made to An Qiaoran before the press conference.

After Lu Yuchen finished listening, his face darkened, and he looked at the reporter with a very unfriendly look, "My wife has never had any male girlfriends, let alone any other friends of the opposite sex. Even if she has, do you think she likes her?"

Lu Yuchen's answer made the reporter stunned for a moment, then smiled again, "Young Master Lu is right."

Just kidding, in Lu Yuchen's capacity, how lucky is An Qiaoran, a nurse, to be Lu Yuchen's wife?A madman would go to another man.

"That's not necessarily true!" Chen Lanxue, who had been silent in the wheelchair, suddenly spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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