Chapter 540 I Dreamed About My Father

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he ran out of the hall first, leaving Qiao Ze with a dazed face behind. He turned to look at Qiao Feng who was standing beside him, "What's going on?"

Qiao Feng, who also looked confused, shook his head, "I don't know, maybe something happened to Mrs. Lu!"

After Qiao Feng finished speaking, he asked the maid to call the doctor, and then went out with Qiao Ze to the attic where Lu Yuchen and the others lived.


Ten minutes later, the doctor of Qiao's family examined An Qiaoran who had fainted, and then said to Lu Yuchen, "My wife has caught a cold and she has a slight fever. I will prescribe some cold medicine for her, and then give her a shot A bottle of drip will do."

Lu Yuchen stood in front of the bed, looked at the sleeping An Qiaoran, his face was full of worry, and he didn't speak.He just sat down on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to hold An Qiaoran's cold hand in his hand, and breathed out to keep her warm.

Qiao's father and son on the side were also a little shocked when they saw such a scene.

No one thought that Lu Yuchen, who dominated the commercial market, would love his wife so much.

"Young Master Lu, since my wife is sick, let's stay here for a few more days!" Qiao Ze glanced at An Qiaoran, and then suggested to Lu Yuchen.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen nodded, "Alright."

"I think my wife catches a cold because I don't have enough clothes. I have prepared clothes for you, go and change! Otherwise, you will be sick too, and you won't be able to take care of your wife."

Qiao Feng looked at the thin shirt on Lu Yuchen's body and said.

Lu Yuchen didn't respond, but just quietly stared at the sleeping An Qiaoran, hoping that she would wake up soon.

"You all go down." Lu Yuchen said to the people present with a slight sideways glance.

Hearing this, Qiao's father and son bent over, turned around and left the room. The doctor gave An Qiaoran a drip, and then left the medicine behind. After instructing Lu Yuchen to take the medicine, he also left.

Immediately, only Ah Heng and Lu Yuchen were left in the room.

"You go out too." Lu Yuchen looked at Ah Heng who was still standing there, and frowned.

Ah Heng didn't speak, but took out a black overcoat from the closet beside him, and put it on Lu Yuchen's body.

"Vice President Qiao is right. If you're sick, you won't be able to take care of your wife. We won't worry about taking care of you, so let's wear it!"

Ah Heng said, but didn't hear Lu Yuchen's reply, thinking that he had acquiesced, so he turned around and left the room.

After Ah Heng left, the hand held by Lu Yuchen moved. Lu Yuchen looked down and saw An Qiaoran suddenly woke up, with a little cold sweat on his forehead.

Round eyes glanced around, "Lu Yuchen, I..."

"Don't talk yet, continue to sleep." Lu Yuchen stopped her with a voice.

"I just want to say that I dreamed about my father..." An Qiaoran paused, and continued, "This is the first time I dreamed about my father."

Since her mother passed away, she has dreamed of her mother many times, but she never dreamed of her father who had no memory at all.

But today, she dreamed of it.

An Qiaoran's words made Lu Yuchen pause, looked at her cheek, and said indifferently, "You just miss him too much."

"Maybe!" An Qiaoran smiled indifferently.

Chen Guangren said that her father was gone, but she never believed it. She always had a feeling that her father must still be alive.

An Qiaoran raised her eyes to look at Lu Yuchen, and was about to say something when she felt the needle on the back of her hand, and then raised her eyes to find that she was on a drip.

"What's wrong with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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