Chapter 541 Give You A Daughter?Can? (Monthly ticket explosion)
"You have a cold and a fever and passed out." Lu Yuchen said with a frown.

Thinking of when he rushed in just now and saw An Qiaoran lying motionless on the ground, his heart still beat a little fast.

That's a sign of nervousness and worry.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran felt his head hurt.

It seems that she caught a cold because she didn't wear much clothes, and she didn't adapt to such a cold environment after staying in the mainland for a long time!
Seeing Lu Yuchen's unhappy face, An Qiaoran couldn't help holding onto his sleeve, and looked at him with bright eyes apologetically.

"Sorry, I made you worry."

Also, she didn't take care of herself.

She thought, she must have fainted, and the bodyguard called him, that's why he came back!

She... Delayed his affairs.

Thinking about it, she still felt a little guilty.

Hearing her apologetic words, Lu Yuchen's expression didn't look much better, he reached out to stroke her cheek, his movements were extremely gentle, as if he was touching some treasure.

"We'll go back to Beicheng when you recover from your illness." His magnetic voice rang beside her ears.

"But... I haven't passed the internship yet..." There is still one month before she can officially start working.

"Didn't you pass the test?" Lu Yuchen frowned and didn't ask her back.

The director told him.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned, looking at him with scrutiny, "How do you know?"

Lu Yuchen: "..."

"Are you spying on me?" An Qiaoran looked at him with some contempt.

He even sent someone to monitor her every move in Beicheng, but she didn't know it at all.

Lu Yuchen looked at that look, and felt a little uncomfortable, "That's not surveillance, it's caring."

After all, in country A, she is unfamiliar with her place of life, and her personality is innocent and simple. If her life is in danger, then he will not be able to arrive in time, so he simply sent someone to follow her secretly.

In her opinion, these concerns for her are just surveillance?It seemed that she still didn't understand him.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran didn't have too much emotion, turned away from the disdain before, and looked at her with a smile on her face, "I know you care about me, and I don't mean to blame you. I just Can you talk to me before making any decisions in the future? It seems that we are unfamiliar with you for making such a decision. "

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned, and looked at her with half-closed eyes, "If I tell you that I have someone watching you, will you agree?"

According to her temperament, it is enough not to argue with him for a long time, how can he tell her.

After saying that, An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, then fell silent, and began to think seriously. After a while, she looked at Lu Yuchen and shook her head, "No."

"That's it."

An Qiaoran: "..."

"Let's get down to business, if I return to Beicheng, what good will it be?"

It stands to reason that if she passed the assessment, even if the internship period ended early, she would be able to officially work. She could choose to work in this familiar hospital, or she could choose to go back.

But now that Lu Yuchen proposed it on his own initiative, she couldn't just go back so easily, she had to use the situation to ask for something.

I have to say that she is quite wise, and she used all these small thoughts on Lu Yuchen.

However, how could Lu Yuchen not see it, and approached her with his body, fixed his seductive eyes on her eyes, and clearly saw that she only had him in her eyes.

This feeling is very beautiful.

"Huh? What benefits do you want?" Lu Yuchen looked at her with raised eyebrows, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

His thin lips stopped at the tip of her nose, and he deliberately pecked at it twice. When he looked up at her again, there was endless desire in his eyes, "Give me a daughter? Is it possible?"

 Thank you Xiao Yuanxiao for voting for two monthly tickets. I can’t repay you.
(End of this chapter)

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