Chapter 543 Peach Blossoms Are Flooded

"Hurry up and find clothes to put on. If you continue like this, you will be frozen."

An Qiaoran saw that Lu Yuchen was still wearing the thin shirt, and couldn't help urging him.

Although he is physically strong, it is no wonder that he will not get sick if he does this for a long time. She is a good example.

Seeing An Qiaoran's repeated urging, Lu Yuchen didn't say much, turned around and walked into the cloakroom beside her...

At the same time, there was a knock on An Qiaoran's bedroom door.

"Who is it?" An Qiaoran asked looking in the direction of the door.

"Ma'am, a lady said she was Mr. Qiao's niece. He heard that you were sick and came to visit you specially."

The bodyguard's respectful voice sounded in the bedroom.

Joe's niece?Is that Qiao Feng's cousin?The one that Lu Yuchen just said?

An Qiaoran was stunned for a second, then said, "Let her in!"

Lu Yuchen said that this woman was good-looking, so she wanted to see if she could be more beautiful than Xishi Diaochan?

"But madam... Young Master Lu ordered that no one can enter..."

"It's okay, let her in."

After the words fell, the bodyguard didn't say anything more, just pushed open the door, "Miss, please come in!"

"Thank you."

The woman thanked her and walked in.

An Qiaoran looked up, and saw that the woman was wearing a white woolen coat, with long gray hair hanging down the back, which was parted in the middle, making her already fair face even more beautiful.

Big round eyes, beautiful willow-leaf eyebrows, as Lu Yuchen said, she is fair and beautiful!

Look at herself again, how can she compare with others.


With a bowl in her hand, the woman came straight to An Qiaoran's bedside, and said respectfully with a smile on her face.

"Hello, madam, my name is Qiao Yu, I heard that the maid was not efficient enough and overturned the ginger soup that was delivered to me, and I also heard that Madam, you are suffering from the cold, so I specially made another ginger soup and sent it to you to relieve the cold. "

"Thank you for your concern." An Qiaoran glanced at the bedside table and said, "Put it there!"

Qiao Yu put the bowl on the bedside table.

"Sit down!" An Qiaoran smiled at her.

"Thank you, madam." Qiao Yu also had a smile on her face. After sitting down on the chair, she began to look around, but she didn't find the legendary young master Lu.

An Qiaoran naturally noticed this too, and subconsciously thought she was looking for Lu Yuchen, so she asked, "Are you looking for something?"

Qiao Yu lowered her head when she heard this, and said, "No, I'm just wondering, since my wife is sick, why doesn't Young Master Lu take care of you?"

Sure enough... did they come for Lu Yuchen?

An Qiaoran thought about it, smiled, and said, "He's changing in the cloakroom! I caught a cold not long after we came here, but he took a lot of effort to take care of me. I saw him dressed Less, let him wear more, if not, you are here."

An Qiaoran seems to be intentionally revealing that she and Lu Yuchen love each other very much. Although she is sick now, Lu Yuchen takes good care of her.

In this way, it can be regarded as letting this young lady back out of difficulties.

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, the door of the cloakroom was opened, and Lu Yuchen, who had changed into a shirt and coat, came out.

When Qiao Yu heard the sound, she turned her eyes. When she saw the suave Lu Yuchen, she was dumbfounded.

An Qiaoran also felt that Lu Yuchen's shirt and overcoat, together with his flowing short hair, were extremely handsome.

No wonder Qiao Yu was fascinated.

Seeing Qiao Yu's eyes wishing to fall on Lu Yuchen, An Qiaoran felt very uncomfortable.

I couldn't help blaming Lu Yuchen, she just asked him to wear more clothes, why did he dress up so handsomely, it's considered to be full of peach blossoms.

This Mr. Qiao's niece has been seduced.

(End of this chapter)

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