Chapter 544 You Are Gay
"what happened?"

Lu Yuchen walked to An Qiaoran's bedside, saw her looking at him resentfully, and asked suspiciously.

An Qiaoran didn't speak, but his tone was a bit stiff, "Sit down!"

Lu Yuchen was about to sit down by the bed, but when he saw a woman sitting on the chair, he didn't think much, just ignored it, sat on the bed, and held An Qiaoran's hand, "Is it still cold? Is it better? "

An Qiaoran subconsciously glanced at Qiao Yu who was ignored by Lu Yuchen, and seeing that her expression was not right, she pouted and said to Lu Yuchen, "It's not cold anymore, it's very hot, my head is sweating, I want to lift the quilt. "

After speaking, An Qiaoran really started to move, and was held down by Lu Yuchen in time, and said with a serious face, "Don't lift the quilt, or it will be more serious."

"But I'm hot!" An Qiaoran said dissatisfied.

"Hey, be obedient, just sleep after sweating." Lu Yuchen's tone was very gentle, and Qiao Yu's face was full of disbelief.

The dignified president of IE would be humble to a woman, and he would be so patient when facing a woman's acting like a baby.

It's over, she may have seen a fake Lu Yuchen, but... her handsome appearance has not changed.

He is her idol, Lu Yuchen.

Thinking about it, she sorted out her emotions, stood up, picked up the ginger soup on the bedside table, looked at Lu Yuchen, with a smile on her face, "Young Master Lu, this is the ginger soup I made for my wife, hurry up while it's hot." Drink it! The effect will not be so good when it cools down."

Hearing Qiao Yu's voice, An Qiaoran knew that she was about to strike up a conversation, so she introduced to Lu Yuchen, "This is what you just said, Qiao Feng's cousin, Qiao Yu."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen raised his eyes and glanced at the woman named Qiao Yu. With just one glance, he shifted his gaze to An Qiaoran.

Qiao Yu originally had a smile on her face just to make a good impression on Lu Yuchen, but unexpectedly, he just passed her a glance.

How can she say that she is talented and beautiful? How is this Lu Yuchen different from other men?
An Qiaoran was very satisfied with Lu Yuchen's performance, and continued to speak, "She came to give me ginger soup, and she was also the first woman who came to visit me after I fell ill. I like her very much!"

"Are you gay?" Lu Yuchen glanced at An Qiaoran dissatisfied.

An Qiaoran: "..."

"The liking here means I have a better impression, not what you think."

An Qiaoran gave her a white look, "Besides, he is so beautiful, so he might not like me."

An Qiaoran's beautiful sentence made the smile on Qiao Yu's face even bigger, "My wife is absurd."

An Qiaoran looked at her, "I'm telling the truth, you are so beautiful, I'm ashamed of myself!"

"Ma'am, you're joking again. How can the woman that Young Master Lu likes be ugly?" Qiao Yu continued to laugh.

An Qiaoran didn't reply, but looked at the ginger soup she was carrying, "I don't like the taste of ginger very much, it might be a waste of trouble for you."

The meaning in An Qiaoran's words was clear enough, but he stopped drinking, Qiao Yu could hear it clearly.

But she simply thought that An Qiaoran really didn't like the taste of ginger, so she said with a smile, "Don't worry, Ma'am, because we have snow and cold here all the year round, so we also made a special ginger soup. It is made with ginger, but it has no ginger taste, so my wife can drink it with confidence."


An Qiaoran was just evasive at first, but he didn't expect that the ginger soup here is so magical, and he didn't know how to refuse it for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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