Chapter 545 Stay away from her
"Thank you then."

After a moment of stalemate, An Qiaoran had no choice but to reach out to take it, but before his hand touched it, a big palm took a step ahead and reached out to Jiang Tang in Qiao Yu's hand.

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen with a bit of bad eyes, but Qiao Yu's eyes were completely different. The temperature between Lu Yuchen's fingers touched her fingers. Qiao Ran's body.

"Ah!" The hot ginger soup fell on her hands, and An Qiaoran screamed, her face full of pain.

Lu Yuchen's heart tightened suddenly, and he quickly glared at the culprit.

Lu Yuchen's eyes were too sharp, Qiao Yu was so frightened that he bowed his head repeatedly to apologize, "I'm sorry, Young Master Lu, I didn't mean to."

Qiao Yu said in a panic, "I'll call the doctor right away, I'll go right away..."

After finishing speaking, she left the room quickly, and soon called the doctor over, together with Joe and his son.

Because the burn was on the waist, it was inconvenient for others to watch, so Lu Yuchen "invited" everyone out, leaving only one female doctor.

Lu Yuchen glanced at the doctor, and then left the bedroom. Outside the door stood the anxious Qiao and his son, and Qiao Yu with an apologetic expression.

As soon as Lu Yuchen came out, he stared at Qiao Yu fiercely, and said in a cold voice, "I warn you, if anything happens to An Qiaoran, I will definitely make you pay back ten times."

Lu Yuchen's voice was too cold, Qiao Yu was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word, but lowered his head.

Seeing this, Qiao Ze felt helpless, "Young Master Lu, this matter is Yu'er's fault, and I apologize to you on her behalf."

No matter what, she was still his niece, and he was half responsible for not treating her well.

Facing Qiao Ze's apology, Lu Yuchen's face did not change much, and his voice was always cold, "Apologizing is useless, you should pray obediently that An Qiaoran will be fine!"

"Please don't worry, Young Master Lu. We have excellent ointment here, which is specially used to treat burns. It can not only relieve pain quickly, but also leave no scars."

Qiao Feng pulled Qiao Yu behind him, and then said to Lu Yuchen.

"Better so!"

Lu Yuchen snorted coldly, turned around and entered the room. The doctor had already applied ointment to An Qiaoran and was covering her with a quilt.

Seeing Lu Yuchen come in, he reported, "I have prescribed medicine for my wife, and the pain has stopped now, and there will be no scars left."

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, but waved his hand to let the doctor leave. Looking at An Qiaoran on the bed, he felt a little helpless.

Walking over, she lifted the quilt and looked at the redness on her waist, feeling a little uncomfortable, "Does it still hurt?"

An Qiaoran shook his head, "I can't blame them all, it's all caused by you."

If he hadn't insisted on reaching out to pick up the ginger soup, he wouldn't have withdrawn his hand shyly, causing the ginger soup to fall.

"It was my negligence." Lu Yuchen rarely argued without arguing, and admitted that he was half responsible.

"I think that girl's thoughts on you are not simple. You should stay away from her in the future, so as not to cause trouble."

It's not that she doesn't trust Lu Yuchen, it's just that she doesn't trust that woman.

Today I was excited because Lu Yuchen's fingers touched her, but I don't know what will happen next time.

Better to stay away.

"I wasn't that close to her in the first place, you let her in." Lu Yuchen couldn't help laughing when he heard her words.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran's expression changed, and she curled her lips, "I just want to see what the beauty you mentioned looks like, but I didn't's really pretty."

(End of this chapter)

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