Chapter 547 So She Was Misunderstood

Seeing that An Qiaoran was angry, Qiao Yu became even more frightened, crying, "Ma'am, you really misunderstood me, I admit, I admire Young Master Lu very much, but I know he has a wife, and I only treat him It's just worship, just like worshiping a star, absolutely without any extravagant thoughts."

Qiao Yu's flustered explanation confused An Qiaoran for a moment, "Then tell me what you mean by what you just said."

"Which... which sentence?" Qiao Yu didn't know.

"You made a mistake, but you asked me to explain it to Lu Yuchen, what exactly do you mean?" An Qiaoran hadn't been so angry for a long time, but today she was pissed off by this woman.

"I...I asked my wife to explain to Young Master Lu. I just wanted my wife to plead with Young Master Lu and beg him not to let my uncle whip me. I...I'm afraid."

After Qiao Yu's words fell, An Qiaoran was taken aback. Lu Yuchen actually wanted Mr. Qiao to whip this beautiful woman?Is it because she burned her?

When An Qiaoran was in a trance, Qiao Yu's frightened voice sounded again, "Young Master Lu blamed me for accidentally scalding you, so I asked my uncle to deal with me according to the family rules. I...I really have no choice, so I came to beg you , Ma'am, just talk to Young Master Lu! Please."

Hearing Qiao Yu's words, An Qiaoran's anger disappeared without a trace. After a long time, this Qiao Yu came to see her simply to beg for mercy.

But she misunderstood her.

Thinking of her stiff tone just now, An Qiaoran felt a little guilty, looked down at Qiao Yu who was kneeling on the ground, sighed, and said, "Get up! Don't just kneel down at will, and have the air of a young lady."

"If my wife doesn't agree, I'd rather kneel here than be whipped."

Qiao Yu suddenly said stubbornly.

Seeing her like this, An Qiaoran felt helpless, and bent down to help her up, "Take me there! I'll intercede for you."

Speaking of which, this matter is also inseparable from Lu Yuchen, and it seems unreasonable for Lu Yuchen to be in such a difficult situation now.

"Okay, madam, please come with me." Qiao Yu made a gesture of invitation to An Qiaoran, and then walked in front of her, followed closely by An Qiaoran.


Five minutes later, when An Qiaoran and Qiao Yu came to the door of the hall, they were stunned.

Because in the hall at this time, besides Qiao's father and son and Lu Yuchen, there were two more people.

Mo Yixuan and Ning Ke'er.

An Qiaoran paused outside the door, looking at the scene inside.

The few of them seemed to be talking about something, Mo Yixuan was facing the direction of the door, so he saw An Qiaoran.


An Qiaoran saw the shape of Mo Yixuan's mouth.

Later, Qiao's father and son and Lu Yuchen also noticed this side. An Qiaoran was stunned for a second, then walked in and came to Lu Yuchen's side.

He nodded to Qiao Ze and Qiao Feng as a greeting, then glanced at Mo Yixuan without saying a word.

"Why are you here?" Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran who was wearing a down jacket, with a better expression on his face.


Hearing this, An Qiaoran glanced at Qiao Yu subconsciously, and finally realized the situation, and didn't say anything.

"I'll come and see you!" An Qiaoran looked at him and smiled.

Lu Yuchen pulled her to his side, "Sit beside me, don't talk."

"En." An Qiaoran nodded and sat down beside him.

In Mo Yixuan's eyes, Mo Yixuan was really angry at the intimate interaction between the two, but he did not show it.

Ning Ke'er behind him stared at An Qiaoran angrily, but didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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