Chapter 548 is to keep him
At this time, a servant came from outside, "Master, the meal is ready, you can eat."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Ze said to Lu Yuchen, "Since the matter has been discussed, let's go to dinner first, and then I will personally send you to the airport."

Lu Yuchen also took An Qiaoran's hand and stood up, "I'm sorry."

Yi Xiren had already followed Qiao Ze out of the hall and headed for the cafeteria, only Mo Yixuan and Ning Ke'er were still standing there.

"Yixuan..." Ning Ke'er was about to say something when she saw Mo Yixuan glaring at her coldly, causing her to subconsciously take a step back in fright.

"How did Lu Yuchen know? How did he find out about me? Give me a reasonable explanation!"

Mo Yixuan stared at the woman in front of him and roared, his voice was frighteningly loud.

He was staying well in the mainland, but suddenly Qiao Ze called him over, and scolded him as soon as he came in, saying that it was Lu Yuchen who came to complain to him.

He has always been very careful, and those things were arranged by Ning Ke'er, even if they were to investigate, they would only be able to find out the people she arranged, not him!

But now, Lu Yuchen went directly to Qiao Ze, causing him to be demoted, and he can no longer manage Qiao's internal affairs. What's the use of guarding a Xingda Plaza that has no influence!

"Yixuan... calm down, listen to me first..." Ning Ke'er had never seen Mo Yixuan get so angry, and was flustered for a while.

"Okay! Tell me, I want to see how you explain it to me!"

Mo Yixuan was in a fit of anger, his tone of voice was not as gentle as usual, and every word was tinged with thorns.

Listening to his furious tone, Ning Keer's heart suddenly turned cold, "Yixuan, you have changed, you were not like this before, how can you yell at me?"

"I asked you to explain, not to talk nonsense!" Mo Yixuan tugged at his collar angrily, even so he couldn't vent his anger.

Ning Ke'er listened to their indifferent words, her face was full of disappointment, she was silent for a long time before she spoke.

"I tipped off the news..."

Hearing this, Mo Yixuan's eyes widened immediately, and he glared at her angrily, "You did it!"

Ning Ke'er didn't know where her courage came from, she was not afraid of Mo Yixuan anymore, and continued to speak.

"Yes, that's what I did."

"Why do you do this?" Mo Yixuan continued to roar, so angry that he couldn't help but want to strike.

"Because I know your purpose for doing that!" Ning Ke'er looked at him and said word by word, "I know that in the beginning, you and IE grabbed that piece of land to let Lu Yuchen go back, so you can use this to get close to An Qiaoran , and reconnect with her."

Mo Yixuan glared at her.

"But you found that An Qiaoran didn't have that kind of heart for you at all, so you started to create chaos in IE, then used Chen Lanxue to deal with An Qiaoran, and finally protected her when she was down. I will accept you step by step."

"But let me tell you, no. An Qiaoran is Lu Yuchen's wife. No matter how hard you try, you will never get her! Because her man is Lu Yuchen!"

"That's why you told Lu Yuchen everything?" Mo Yixuan looked at her angrily, his eyes fixed on her.

"It's not just that." Ning Ke'er shook her head, "I told Lu Yuchen that it was only to let him return to An Qiaoran's side and prevent your plan from proceeding. The original purpose...was to keep you."

(End of this chapter)

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