Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 549 A Good Match With Young Master Lu

Chapter 549 A Good Match With Young Master Lu
She didn't want to betray him at first, after all, betraying the man she loves created pain for herself invisibly.

However, after she knew his plan, she began to be afraid, afraid that An Qiaoran would really return to him.

So, she told Lu Yuchen and stopped him from everything.

And all she did was to get him and prevent him from returning to that woman.At the same time, she was protecting him.

That man Lu Yuchen is not easy to mess with. If he competes with Lu Yuchen for a woman again, the end result will be a dead end, and there will be no good end.

She didn't want to see such a situation, so she had to stop it.

After listening to Ning Ke'er's words, Mo Yixuan sneered, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, lifted it up, and glared at her.

"In order to keep me? Ning Ke'er, do you want to be so ridiculous!"

"It's not absurd at all to keep the man you love." Ning Ke'er resisted the pain in her jaw and said to him.

"Heh!" Mo Yixuan snorted and sneered, he tightened his hand even more, Ning Ke'er frowned in pain.

"Falling in love with me is the greatest tragedy of your life! Ning Ke'er, why are you so stupid? Knowing that I only have An Qiaoran in my heart, but still love me to death, I am so unbearable, I deserve to be let down Are you in love with me?"

He looked at Ning Ke'er with a bit of boredom and impatience in his eyes, but his voice was chilling to the bone.

"In my heart, you are the best. No matter how you treat me, I have no complaints from anyone, because I love you." Ning Ke'er smiled with difficulty, but her eyes were filled with tears.

Hearing this, Mo Yixuan's heart was touched, he let go of her, and took a step back, the darkness in his eyes slowly disappeared, replaced by endless sadness.

"It would be great if An Qiaoran said this to me."

There is sadness in his eyes, so why doesn't Ning Ke'er's heart feel pain and sadness?
Falling in love with someone who doesn't love himself, or even a man who thinks all day about how to get his beloved, as he said, is the saddest thing in the world.

But so what?Knowing that it was painful, she still fell in love involuntarily. She deserved this self-inflicted pain, but she felt happy.

Mo Yixuan stood there in a daze for a moment, and when he pulled himself together again, there was endless firmness in his eyes.

"Go to the restaurant." After leaving this sentence, he had already left the hall first.


At this time, the restaurant was full of people, and Mrs. Qiao, who had been missing for a long time, finally appeared.

Mrs. Qiao seemed to be about the same age as Mr. Qiao, because except for Qiao Yu and An Qiaoran, the others were all men, and there was nothing to talk about. Mrs. Qiao greeted An Qiaoran as soon as she came up.

An Qiaoran was sitting beside Lu Yuchen, and on her right was Mrs. Qiao.

The maids were serving the dishes. During this time, Mrs. Qiao chatted with An Qiaoran.

"It is rumored that Young Master Lu is vigorous in business, but at home he is the one who loves his wife. I have always imagined what kind of person can make Young Master Lu bow his head! Seeing him today, he really looks like a beautiful country! No wonder Young Master Lu They were all mesmerized."

"Madam flatters me too much." An Qiaoran responded with a smile.

Although the old lady talked a lot, her words always made people feel weird.

"Oh, this is not flattery. I also think that Madam, you have a gentle and kind personality, a good character and a virtuous character, and you are a good match for Young Master Lu!"

Qiao Ze on the opposite side also flattered, this is the first time An Qiaoran saw such a scene, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

At this moment, Mo Yixuan and Ning Ke'er came in one after the other, and sat down on their seats.

(End of this chapter)

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