Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 559 Mr. Lu listens to his wife most

Chapter 559 Mr. Lu listens to his wife most

Because she was pregnant, Lu Yuchen didn't let An Qiaoran go to the clinic, but An Qiaoran told him that she would be careful, An Qiaoran insisted, and Lu Yuchen had no choice.

Since the opening of the clinic, Jiang Hao and Zhao Qiaoqiao have been taking care of An Qiaoran, so An Qiaoran is not so tired.

Although he is a doctor, Jiang Hao is also a doctor, but he is better in ophthalmology.

In fact, An Qiaoran also thought about letting Jiang Hao go to a big hospital for further studies, but he had no choice but to stay here, so he naturally had to accompany him.

An Qiaoran came to the clinic and told Zhao Qiaoqiao about her pregnancy. She happily reached out and touched her belly, sighing, "How time flies! In a blink of an eye, you will be a mother. I'm still where I am."

An Qiaoran sat on the sofa, poured himself a glass of warm water, took a sip, and said, "You and Jiang Hao have been dating for so long, don't you plan to get married? Sun Xu was single before! Both are engaged now gone."

Zhao Qiaoqiao was also very helpless when she heard the words, "Jiang Hao sent me back last night, and my parents happened to see me, so I had nothing to do, so I had to tell the whole story. The good thing is, they didn't have any dissatisfaction with Jiang Hao, they just said they need to understand clearly .”

"It's really necessary to understand clearly, you can't just give you to that brat, and you can't take advantage of him."

An Qiaoran turned the water glass and nodded in agreement.

"I know, I'll take him back after get off work." Zhao Qiaoqiao said, and stood up, "Then I'll go to work first, you're pregnant, be careful, it's best to sit still, what's the matter for me Just come."

"Okay, don't talk too much, go get busy!"

An Qiaoran was really helpless for Zhao Qiaoqiao and Lu Yuchen's gossip, maybe she would be gossiped by Lu Yuchen at home and by Zhao Qiaoqiao in the clinic even if she was pregnant with a baby.

But she knew that they were all for her own good.


In the afternoon, An Qiao Ranfang walked out of the gate of the clinic and was about to take a taxi home. A black car stopped in front of her.

The car door was opened, and Ah Heng, dressed in formal attire, came down and said respectfully to An Qiaoran, "Madam, Mr. Lu is still in a meeting, he asked me to take you back."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, then nodded in confusion, "Thank you."

An Qiaoran got into the car, thinking of what Ah Heng said just now, she said, "You take me to the company first! I want to go home with Lu Yuchen."

After she became pregnant, for some reason, she became tired of Lu Yuchen, and seemed to want to be with him and see him all the time.

"Okay, ma'am."


Half an hour later, An Qiaoran and A Heng arrived at Lu Yuchen's office together, "Madam, sit down first, I will tell President Lu."

"No, I'll wait for him here." She didn't want to delay his work because she came to him by herself.

"But madam... Boss Lu's situation...maybe the meeting won't be over for a while."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran frowned suspiciously, "Why? It's so late now."

A Heng hesitated for a while and said, "To tell you the truth, too many Gao Cheng in the company have neglected their duties recently, resulting in a lot of business mistakes. Mr. Lu is announcing layoffs because of this incident!"

It's not just as simple as announcing layoffs, it's practicing the lion's roar!Even he dared not approach.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran couldn't help but feel concerned about Lu Yuchen, "Then he will be busy until late!"

"This...not necessarily." Ah Heng looked at her and said, "As long as Madam, you go to him, Boss Lu will definitely come home with you."

Mr. Lu listens to his wife the most. As long as his wife steps in, there will be no troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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