Chapter 560 Candlelight Dinner (1)

"But...he's in a meeting, so it's not convenient for me to find him!" An Qiaoran still had concerns.

"It's okay madam, young master, he's just educating those high-level people, not talking about important things."

Ah Heng naturally hoped that An Qiaoran would call Lu Yuchen home, and if he didn't go home, the meeting would be endless.

Hearing what A Heng said, An Qiaoran didn't know what to say, so she could only raise her eyes and look at A Heng, "Then you go and tell her, I'll wait here for him to go home together."

"Okay." Seeing that An Qiaoran agreed, Ah Heng hurriedly turned and left the office excitedly, and went straight to the conference room.

Knocked on the door of the conference room twice, then opened the door and walked in. The conference room was already in a mess. Ah Heng walked through the folders one by one, and finally came to Lu Yuchen's side, leaned over to his ear, and said, " Mr. Lu, my wife is not going home, she is in the office now, and she said she is waiting for you to go home together!"

The office was extremely quiet, everyone kept their heads down, not daring to take a breath.

Lu Yuchen had a gloomy face at first, but when he heard this, he raised his eyes and glanced at A Heng, pursed his lips, got up and left the conference room.

As soon as Lu Yuchen left, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly eased a lot. Most people thought that Lu Yuchen's sudden departure was curious, and couldn't help asking Ah Heng.

Ah Heng patted his chest, and said proudly, "There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. No matter how scary Lu Shao is, there are people who are afraid. You are as witty as me. You have to thank me for inviting a great god to save you. "

Everyone heard the words, looked at each other, thought for a moment, and then said, "Are you talking about the legendary Mrs. Lu?"

"Yes!" Ah Heng nodded.

"I've heard that Young Master Lu obeys his wife's advice a long time ago. Now, I finally understand it."

"Although it's just heard, we haven't officially met yet! It seems that another day, we have to meet in person."

Their good life in the future will all depend on that Mrs. Lu.


When Lu Yuchen learned that An Qiaoran was waiting for him in the office, he couldn't help but return to the office quickly. When he saw An Qiaoran sitting on the sofa drinking water, his eyes suddenly softened, and he strode forward. walked over.

"Miss me so much? Why did you come here to go home with me?"

An Qiaoran heard the voice, looked up, saw Lu Yuchen walking towards him, put down the water glass and stood up.

"Stop being so talkative, I came to you just because I was bored back home."

"Duplicity." Lu Yuchen laughed, walked over and put his arms around her waist, "Let's go! Go home."

"Have you finished your work?" Didn't Ah Heng say that he still needs to educate those Gao Cheng?
"The company is done, now it's time to get busy at home."

Even if he didn't finish his work, he still had to go home!The sky is big and the earth is big, but my wife is the biggest!

"I know the Gu family!" An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen walked out of the office together, and couldn't help teasing.

"It's not the Gu family, it's love for you."

As the two walked into the elevator, An Qiaoran was delighted to hear these words.

"Let's go have a candlelight dinner together! Celebrate the arrival of our baby."

Lu Yuchen has been looking forward to her pregnancy all year, and now she is finally pregnant, which is a happy thing.Therefore, An Qiaoran felt the need to celebrate.

"Okay!" Lu Yuchen readily agreed.

Lu Yuchen took An Qiaoran to a hotel, and went straight to the private room on the top floor.

When An Qiaoran was wondering what Lu Yuchen brought her here for, Lu Yuchen had already taken out the key card and opened the door. The scene inside stunned An Qiaoran...

(End of this chapter)

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