Chapter 561 Candlelight Dinner (2)

In the huge presidential suite, dim candlelight illuminated the delicious food on the five-meter-long table, and the red candle illuminated An Qiaoran's cheeks.

Lu Yuchen dragged An Qiaoran in and came to the long table.

An Qiaoran saw a large bouquet of roses in the middle of the long table, with various delicacies on both sides.

"This is……"

"Candlelight dinner." As Lu Yuchen said, he pulled the chair away with both hands, put his hands on An Qiaoran's shoulders, pushed her to the chair, and asked her to sit down.

An Qiaoran looked at everything on the table, and finally set his sights on the candles, the candles were dazzlingly bright, and the flames were so beautiful.

"When did you prepare?" An Qiaoran looked at everything in front of him and asked curiously.

She only thought of it when she came to look for him. How could he be ready as soon as she said it?
"The night I found out you were pregnant." Lu Yuchen sat down beside her, cutting steak while talking.

"I asked me to prepare the food on the way here, but I prepared the candles and flowers myself."

He personally lit the candles and placed them one by one, and arranged the flowers in bunches.

In general, except for this food, he made everything else.

"I was going to give you a surprise, but you brought it up..."

As soon as Lu Yuchen finished speaking, An Qiaoran raised her head and kissed his handsome face.

"Lu Yuchen, thank you."

The kiss came unexpectedly, Lu Yuchen stopped cutting the steak, his body froze for two seconds, and then he looked at her, "Kiss me again."

There was a sincere smile on the corner of An Qiaoran's mouth. Hearing this, he didn't think too much, and moved his lips obediently...

She wanted to kiss his face just like before, but she didn't expect that before she touched his face, it was blocked by his lips.

An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, then smiled, gave him a "pop" and kissed him deeply, then left, looking at him with smiling eyes.

Lu Yuchen wanted to give him a deep kiss, but he didn't expect that the little woman would just kiss and finish the matter hastily. He had no choice but to continue cutting the steak.

After the steak was cut, I looked at An Qiaoran, "I cut the steak for you, why don't you thank me?"

The meaning in the words was so obvious, but An Qiaoran wanted to tease him, and deliberately smiled, "Thank you, husband."

Although An Qiaoran had already called her husband, Lu Yuchen was not very satisfied, and pointed to his own lips, "Thank me in the future, no more words, but actual actions."

Seeing him like this, An Qiaoran had no choice but to nod, "Okay! But I've already thanked you just now, so what? Next time!"

Lu Yuchen frowned.

An Qiaoran looked innocent, "You said it after I said thank you, so you can only count from the next time."

An Qiaoran's face made me think I was being reasonable, but Lu Yuchen couldn't find anything to refute, so he had no choice but to turn around without interest. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and took away the knife that cut the steak just now, leaving only gave her a fork.

An Qiaoran: "..."

"You are pregnant now, don't hurt my daughter." As Lu Yuchen said, he had already sat down on the seat opposite, and began to cut his share of steak.

An Qiaoran curled her lips helplessly when she heard this, "Are you afraid of hurting your daughter, or are you afraid of hurting me?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen paused for cutting the women's volleyball team, raised his eyes, looked at her deeply, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you jealous?"

(End of this chapter)

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