Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 562 The tone seems to be coaxing a child

Chapter 562 The tone seems to be coaxing a child

"Why am I jealous?" An Qiaoran was amused by his words, feeling a little baffled.

An Qiaoran said so, but Lu Yuchen didn't think that way, he thought she was just jealous.

"Don't be jealous, don't worry, when our daughter is born, I will still cut the steak for you, and then take the knife away."

An Qiaoran: "..."

So, what this means is that he took the knife away because he was worried about hurting her. She likes to hear such suggestive love words.

An Qiaoran picked up a piece of steak, lowered her eyes and secretly smiled, and Lu Yuchen smiled when she saw her like this.

After that, the two chatted about some topics about children, and the dinner was passed without knowing it.

In the next few days, An Qiaoran was really drowsy. He was so sleepy all day long that he didn't go to the clinic.

Lu Yuchen also moved all the company's affairs to his home, mainly to take care of An Qiaoran.

But An Qiaoran spent most of his days in sleep for more than a month, and couldn't eat anything. For this reason, Lu Yuchen was also very worried.

"An Qiaoran, your task today is to eat these things."

Lu Yuchen carried An Qiaoran who was lying on the bed to a chair in the dining room and sat down again, and gave An Qiaoran orders.

An Qiaoran looked at the porridge, bread, milk and other food on the table with an expression of lovelessness.

"I can't eat it." She cried to Lu Yuchen.

She has no appetite for these porridges, and resists those greasy things. If she eats them forcibly, she will eventually be spit out. It feels very uncomfortable, and she really can't eat them.

But Lu Yuchen forced her to eat every day.

"If you can't eat, you have to eat. If you continue like this, you won't be healthy. You are a doctor, don't you know?" Lu Yuchen said, then picked up the glass of milk and handed it to An Qiaoran's mouth, "I'll feed you. "

"Lu Yuchen..." An Qiaoran was about to cry.

"After drinking, I'll take you to the movies, be good~" Lu Yuchen said magnetically, as if coaxing a child.

Seeing Lu Yuchen like this, An Qiaoran had no choice but to open his mouth, took a sip, and then leaned back in resistance, not to drink.

"An Qiaoran, you're disobedient again." Seeing her resistance, Lu Yuchen frowned in dissatisfaction.

"But I really don't want to drink!"

An Qiaoran pouted innocently.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was about to say something when he saw Nade walking over, "Young master, there are a few people outside who say they are from the company, and they are here to visit the young lady."

To visit An Qiaoran?
Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned, "No, let them go back."

"Wait a moment."

An Qiaoran stopped Nade who was about to leave, "Let them in!"

Hearing this, Nade hesitated, "This..."

"An Qiaoran, don't think that I don't know your little thoughts, you think you won't have to eat these things if you let them in? Impossible!"

Lu Yuchen spoke out An Qiaoran's heart without hesitation.

Ever since he moved his office to his home, the people in the company knew from nowhere that An Qiaoran was pregnant. Every weekend, people took turns to visit her. Every time, An Qiaoran would use this as an excuse, Turn off eating.

"Lu Yuchen, you're thinking too much. I just thought, anyway, people are here to visit me. If we keep people away, that would be bad, don't you think?"

An Qiaoran smiled sincerely at Lu Yuchen, but Lu Yuchen's expression did not change.

Seeing this, An Qiaoran had no choice but to say, "Okay! I promise you, I will eat after they leave."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen looked up at her, "Are you sure?"

"En!" An Qiaoran nodded confidently.

"Okay! If you don't eat, then the next meal will be double."

After speaking, Lu Yuchen stood up and said to Nade, "Let them in!"

(End of this chapter)

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