Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 576 Why Haven't I Forgot You?

Chapter 576 Why Haven't I Forgot You?

After listening to An Qiaoran's words, Lu Yuchen was very helpless, "I didn't ask her to come in, you're jealous now."

She was the one who called the woman in, which was fine, but she was jealous again.

"I'm not jealous." An Qiaoran said helplessly, "I was just thinking, should I let her live here?"

After all, she was homeless and had just come out of the hospital, so she must have no money, so she could only live here.

"Do whatever you want, I have no problem."

"But Lu Yuchen..." An Qiaoran was still about to say something, when she saw Chen Lanyu coming down the stairs and walking this way.

An Qiaoran froze for a moment, then stood up, "Sister, you're up."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen turned his eyes to look over, saw Chen Lanyu, and immediately passed by, pulling An Qiaoran who had stood up to sit down.

Chen Lanyu looked at this scene, her expression changed slightly, she walked over and stopped beside Lu Yuchen.

"Yuchen... Long time no see."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen raised his eyes and glanced at her, then said indifferently, "Have we ever met before?"

Ever seen it?

These four words shocked Chen Lanyu's body, and a trace of sadness crossed his face.

"Indeed, it's been two years, you should have already forgotten that I exist. But, I've been asleep for two years, why haven't I forgotten you?"

"Have you said enough?"

When Lu Yuchen heard this, his tone suddenly became cold, and he looked at her coldly, "What are you trying to express by saying this in front of An Qiaoran?"

Chen Lanyu has become accustomed to Lu Yuchen's indifferent attitude, and said indifferently, "I remember that you had the same attitude towards me two years ago. From this point of view, you have not forgotten how you feel towards me."

"Chen Lanyu!" Lu Yuchen roared.

"Lu Yuchen..."

Seeing that he was so angry, An Qiaoran couldn't help tugging at his sleeve.

Lu Yuchen turned his eyes to look at her, and suppressed the anger in his chest vividly.

An Qiaoran looked up at Chen Lanyu, and said, "Sister, dinner is ready, I'll ask the servant to take you there!"

"No, I'm not hungry." Indifferent tone, without any expression.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned.

The tone she spoke to Lu Yuchen just now was not like this.

That tone was full of helplessness and self-deprecating, with sadness in his eyes.But to her, it was ordinary.

Could it be... is it really because of Lu Yuchen?

"Let's go and eat."

Lu Yuchen didn't want to talk to this woman, so he directly pulled An Qiaoran to stand up and left, walking towards the restaurant beside him.

In the hall, Chen Lanyu was the only one left.

For two years, people are not things. An Qiaoran, who was the least valued in the Chen family, is now Lu Yuchen's wife.

And she, Chen Lanyu, once the richest lady, is now homeless and has nothing.

She originally thought that she still had Lu Yuchen, but she didn't expect that he had already married An Qiaoran. It seemed that he was very kind to An Qiaoran, so he should love An Qiaoran very much!

That being the case, what's the use of her staying here?Why did she wake up?It would be nice to sleep like that all the time, but waking up is also a kind of torture.

Thinking about it, she turned around and left the hall...

"Lu Yuchen, don't be too harsh on the eldest sister in the future, she is also a poor person."

An Qiaoran thought about what Lu Yuchen said to Chen Lanyu just now, and felt a little helpless in her heart

"You really just let her talk nonsense?" Lu Yuchen was very dissatisfied when she heard her words.

The woman kept saying what he didn't want to hear just now, but after he said a few words, she spoke for that woman.

"That's not what I meant." An Qiaoran was helpless, "I just..."

An Qiaoran wanted to say something, but Nade suddenly ran over and shouted nervously, "Young Madam, it's bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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