Chapter 577 I'm Sorry To Her
Seeing Nade's flustered look, An Qiaoran stood up involuntarily, "What's wrong?"

"Young Madam..." Nade hesitated, turned his eyes to look at Lu Yuchen who was sitting calmly on the seat, and then said, "That Miss Chen... she hit the wall and fainted."

"What?" An Qiaoran was shocked, "What's going on?"

How could Chen Lanyu hit the wall?

"I don't know the details, but the bodyguard at the door has already brought her in, and she's in the hall!"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran rushed out of the restaurant and went straight to the lobby without saying a word.

Lu Yuchen frowned when he heard this, got up and glanced at Nade, then left.

Coming to the hall, An Qiaoran was treating the wound of Chen Lanyu who was lying on the sofa, and his movements were cautious.

Lu Yuchen walked over and glanced at the bodyguard standing beside him, "What's the matter with this woman?"

Hearing this, the bodyguard's heart tightened, and he said hastily, "It's this young lady who is arguing to go out. I dare not let her go out without your and your wife's orders, but she suddenly slammed into the iron gate, and...became... It became like this."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned, and waved to the bodyguard, "Go down!"

An Qiaoran bandaged Chen Lanyu's wound, then heaved a sigh of relief, and looked up at Lu Yuchen, "Fortunately, there's nothing wrong."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, Chen Lanxue suddenly opened her eyes, looked around, covered her injured head with her hand, then sat up and looked at Lu Yuchen, "Yuchen, let me go!"

She wanted to leave here just now, but the bodyguard wouldn't let her go out, and she couldn't think about it for a while, so...

"Heh!" Lu Yuchen laughed disdainfully when he heard the words, walked to the sofa and sat down, and glanced at her coldly, "You think I'm the one who wants to keep you here? You can leave as soon as you want, I didn't That spirit will stop you."

When Chen Lanyu heard this, her already pale face turned even paler.

Seeing her like this, An Qiaoran couldn't bear it, "Eldest sister, you just got out of the hospital and you have no place to go. If you leave here, where else can you go? You'd better stay here and live!"

Chen Lanyu smiled wryly when she heard the words, "What's the use of my staying here? I'm no longer Yuchen's fiancée. What reason do I stay here?"

As Chen Lanyu said, she turned to look at her, "Tell me!"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned. After a while, she said, "But you are my eldest sister, and my home is your home!"

"Your home?" Chen Lanyu repeated these three words and smiled, "Yes, I almost forgot, you are Yuchen's wife, so his home is naturally your home."

Chen Lanyu looked up at An Qiaoran, "But your home is not my home, my home... has been destroyed."

Chen Lanyu's words were like a thorn that pierced into An Qiaoran's heart, causing some pain.

"Big sister... are you blaming me for marrying the husband who originally belonged to you and destroying the home that originally belonged to you?"

An Qiaoran looked at Chen Lanyu and asked sadly.


Chen Lanyu didn't speak, just looked at Lu Yuchen, wanted to say something but couldn't speak.

Seeing her like this, An Qiaoran felt even more guilty.

Indeed!Lu Yuchen was originally her fiancé, but she just fainted and slept for two years, everything was not hers anymore.

"Sister...I'm sorry for you..."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking hoarsely, he got up, turned around and left the hall, and ran outside, wiping away tears as he ran.

(End of this chapter)

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