Chapter 582 Throw it out!
The two sat on the lawn talking and laughing, very happy.

An Qiaoran was standing by the door, he couldn't hear clearly, but he could still hear a little.

It was nothing more than the matter of Chen Lanyu back then, and how much the old lady hated her and liked Chen Lanyu so much.

It may be that she has been disappointed with the old lady, so An Qiaoran already feels indifferent to the old lady's attitude.

But what shocked her was what Chen Lanyu and the old lady explained to her. Although the old lady didn't believe it, An Qiaoran was still a little moved when she heard it.

Chen Lanyu packed her luggage, spoke to An Qiaoran, and left with the old lady.

An Qiaoran didn't tell Lu Yuchen that the old lady came here to take her pulse. In order to avoid further incidents, she asked Nade to keep it a secret.

But the next day, when the old lady sent someone to deliver a gift, Lu Yuchen happened to be there.

Seeing the many gifts sent by the two maids and explaining the reason, Lu Yuchen stood up instantly, and said to the maid beside him, "Throw it out!"

"Master, this is specially ordered by the old lady to give to Miss An, don't throw it away!" The two maids who brought the gift hurriedly bowed their heads and stopped Lu Yuchen.

"I have nothing to do with her. I don't care for the things she sends!" Lu Yuchen said, glaring at the maid beside him, and scolded, "What are you doing in a daze? Do it!"


The maid didn't dare to refuse, she hurried over to grab the gift bags on the table, rushed out of the door one after another, and threw them into the garbage truck outside the iron gate.

The two maids looked at each other, although they were dissatisfied, they didn't dare to say anything more.

"Go back and tell her, stop worrying about me, I have nothing to do with her!" Lu Yuchen looked at the two maids and ordered in a cold voice.

The two maids looked at each other, then nodded resentfully, "I see."

Afterwards, the maid left, but Lu Yuchen's anger still persisted. Looking at the table where the presents had been placed just now, he angrily reached out and wiped all the things on it, and all the tea sets and fruits on it fell on the carpet!

The cup broke against the cup, and the sound of china echoed in the hall.

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen like this, feeling a little helpless, and wanted to say something, but Lu Yuchen suddenly looked at Nade at the side.

"Nade, replace all these maids!"

Hearing this, Nade was stunned, "Master, why is this?"

"Stop talking! Just do it!"

Lu Yuchen's tone was irritable, and he could not stop revealing his anger.

It's just that An Qiaoran didn't understand, why did he change the maid?
Hearing this, Nade didn't dare to ask any more, but just nodded, "Yes, young master."

Nade left, but Lu Yuchen's anger still did not subside, his eyes were fixed on the ground, staring.

Seeing him like this, An Qiaoran couldn't help but reached out and patted his shoulder, and said softly, "Don't be angry, she also has good intentions!"

Although she doesn't like the old lady, she really doesn't want Lu Yuchen and the old lady to have a deep misunderstanding.

"Why does she bring things here? Why does she take care of my affairs?" Lu Yuchen didn't listen to An Qiaoran's words, stared at the ground and growled in a very low tone.

"What does it matter to her that you're pregnant? Does she think it's not enough to hurt you?"

Seeing that Lu Yuchen was so emotional, An Qiaoran was helpless, "Actually, you don't need to be so angry. Let her send it to you. You shouldn't throw it away in front of those two maids. If the old lady knows, she will definitely feel happy." Not good."

"I'm not necessarily in a good mood!" Lu Yuchen snorted coldly, "I think she just feels uneasy and kind."

(End of this chapter)

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