Chapter 583 is very sweet
Uneasy kindly...

Hearing what Lu Yuchen said, An Qiaoran felt a little helpless, knowing that he was angry and couldn't listen to anything, so he didn't say any more.

Nade came to clean up the mess on the ground, An Qiaoran pulled Lu Yuchen to stand up, and said coquettishly, "I want to eat an apple, please peel it for me, okay?"

While talking, An Qiaoran dragged Lu Yuchen to the kitchen.

And Lu Yuchen frowned after hearing what she said, but it was hard to refuse her because of her lovable appearance.

He took out an apple from the refrigerator, took the fruit knife, and began to peel it.

Although it was the first time for him to do this kind of thing, with his ingenuity, nothing could be difficult for him.

Soon, the peeled apple was placed in front of An Qiaoran. Looking at Lu Yuchen's skillful movements, An Qiaoran subconsciously felt that he often did these things, but after thinking about it, since getting married, he still the first time.

An Qiaoran was a little relieved that he could do so well for the first time.

"Open your mouth." Lu Yuchen's thin lips moved slightly, and a small piece of apple was delivered to An Qiaoran's mouth.

An Qiaoran opened his mouth obediently, chewed and swallowed, and exclaimed, "It's very sweet."

Seeing An Qiaoran like this, Lu Yuchen unconsciously curled his mouth slightly and continued to feed her.


the other side.

After the two maids returned to the villa, they explained everything to the old lady clearly.

After the old lady finished listening, she just sighed, "It seems that he is still mad at me."

Seeing her like this, Chen Lanyu at the side couldn't help being dazed, "Could it be that Yuchen is guarding against you because of An Qiaoran?"

"Half of the reason is because of this, but..." The old lady said nothing, and then sighed, "Don't talk about it, since he doesn't like me sending things over, then don't send them!"

As the old lady spoke, she stood up and looked at the fish in the pond, "I thought he was just angry with me, but I didn't expect...he hates me so deeply."

She raised her eyes to look at Chen Lanyu, "Since I signed the severance agreement a year ago, he has never visited me and never discussed anything with me. Even this time, when An Qiaoran was pregnant, I was I heard it from the servant."

"Yuchen, maybe you will never forgive me."

As the old lady spoke, there was still some sadness between her words.

An Qiaoran is pregnant...

Chen Lanyu was shocked when he heard the news.

Unexpectedly... An Qiaoran was already pregnant with Yuchen's child...


Because Zhao Qiaoqiao's website wanted to reach a movie copyright contract with IE's film and television company, and Zhao Qiaoqiao didn't have A Heng's contact information, and An Qiaoran was interested in these things, so she went to the film and television company with Zhao Qiaoqiao to find A Heng.

The film and television company building is not far from IE, and since Ah Heng is working part-time as Lu Yuchen's assistant, Lu Yuchen has been busy recently, so Ah Heng is naturally not idle.

The affairs of the film and television company were temporarily handed over to Wang Jie, the vice president.

So An Qiaoran and Zhao Qiaoqiao went to find that Wang Jie.

"Please wait a moment, both of you, I'll report first." The front desk staff turned and left after finishing speaking.

An Qiaoran and Zhao Qiaoqiao stood in front of the stage for an hour before the employee came down.

"Sorry ladies, Vice President Wang said that he has no time to see you for the time being."

"Didn't you tell her that I'm the editor-in-chief of Xingkong Comics, and I'm here to discuss cooperation with him?" Zhao Qiaoqiao asked unwillingly.

"Sorry miss, Vice President Wang really doesn't have time."

"He..." Zhao Qiaoqiao was about to say something, but An Qiaoran held her back, "Since he's gone, I'll take you to IE. I still don't believe what Lu Yuchen is raising these idlers."

That Wang Jie was really dereliction of duty, and he didn't do business when he came to the door.And, if you don't see it, you won't see it!What's the point of letting them wait here for so long?
(End of this chapter)

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