Chapter 584 What do you think?

After An Qiaoran finished speaking angrily, she pulled Zhao Qiaoqiao and left the film and television building together.

"Qiao Qiao, don't worry, that person just has a problem with his brain. Anyway, he can't make the decision. I'll go to Ah Heng."

Seeing Zhao Qiaoqiao's sad face, An Qiaoran spoke comfortingly.

She just has no patience to wait for others, and she is still the kind of contrived person. Thinking of that person deliberately making them wait for more than an hour, she feels unbalanced.

"Ran Ran, thank you!"

"It's okay, anyway, after I have a baby, I don't draw comics to make money." An Qiaoran said jokingly, and took Zhao Qiaoqiao to enter IE.

Everyone here knows her, and Lu Yuchen gave her a pass to enter IE at will, which is much better than that film and television company.

Along the way, everyone An Qiaoran met bowed their heads and said hello, "Hi, young lady."

That's why An Qiaoran didn't like coming here, but this time for Zhao Qiaoqiao, she couldn't help it.

All the way to the top floor, An Qiaoran came to Lu Yuchen's office with ease. Out of politeness, she knocked on the door twice, and before waiting for an answer, she dragged Zhao Qiaoqiao in.

Lu Yuchen was talking with Ah Heng, when he saw An Qiaoran coming, the seriousness on Lu Yuchen's face was replaced by joy, and he waved to her.

An Qiaoran glanced at A Heng, let go of Zhao Qiaoqiao's hand, walked over, and sat down on the sofa beside Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand to stroke her loose long hair, and said in a very gentle voice, "Why are you here? Miss me?"

"Half of the reason." An Qiaoran looked at him, and then complained, "I went to your film and television company with Qiao Qiao just now, and that Vice President Wang didn't see us on purpose and made us wait for an hour in vain."

"What did you go to the film and television company for?" Lu Yuchen asked with a frown.

An Qiaoran was about to answer when Ah Heng said, "It's my wife who said that Zhao Qiaoqiao has a contract with me, but I'm busy here, so I let them go to the film and television company."

When Lu Yuchen heard the words, he looked at Zhao Qiaoqiao and said nothing.

"Didn't you say last time that Jojo's Star Comics would cooperate with your film and television company? At that time, you said that as long as Ah Heng agreed, what about now?"

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen without saying a word, and couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned slightly, and looked at her with a funny face, "What do you think?"

"Me? Of course I hope you can agree!" An Qiaoran said, "However, I still think you should read the manga recommended by Qiao Qiao."

After all, Zhao Qiaoqiao was optimistic about her vision.

"Since you said so, I'll take a good look." Lu Yuchen said, got up, walked to the desk and sat down, looked up at Zhao Qiaoqiao, "Then you come and tell me about the results of the manga, the plot introduction, I'm going to see if it's worth spending a lot of money on filming."

Lu Yuchen said, and glanced at A Heng, "It happens that you are present, after listening, express your opinion."

"Don't dare." Ah Heng lowered his head.

Everything depends on Lu Yuchen. If Lu Yuchen thinks it's good, it's fine.He didn't dare to say anything!

After listening to Lu Yuchen's words, Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at An Qiaoran gratefully, and An Qiaoran gave her a cheering gesture.

So, Zhao Qiaoqiao took a deep breath, stepped forward, walked to the desk, and handed the document in her hand to Lu Yuchen.

"This is the plot introduction of the manga we prepared, as well as its achievements and popularity on the website, please take a look at it, Mr. Lu."

Lu Yuchen glanced at the document handed over, frowned, and glanced at Ah Heng, "Show him!"

(End of this chapter)

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