Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 585 It's time to go to the gym

Chapter 585 It's time to go to the gym

Zhao Qiaoqiao was stunned for a while when she heard the words, then walked up to Ah Heng and handed the document to him, "Please read it!"

Hearing Zhao Qiaoqiao's tone, Ah Heng was a little dissatisfied, and looked down at her seriously, "What? Do I have any grudge against you?"

Hearing this, Zhao Qiaoqiao laughed, "You think too much! I don't know you well, how could there be any hatred?"

"Then your tone seems to be very dissatisfied with me." Ah Heng asked with a frown.

Zhao Qiaoqiao: "You are too sensitive."

"Really?" asked nonchalantly.

Seeing the two talking to each other, An Qiaoran was a little stunned.

What is this development?Thinking about it, An Qiaoran walked to Zhao Qiaoqiao's side, "What are you two...doing?"

Seeing An Qiaoran approaching, Ah Heng put away the dissatisfaction on his face, looked at the document in his hand, closed it within three seconds, and looked at Lu Yuchen.

"President Lu, I think there is no problem. The plot and performance are all very good. If you think there is no problem, you can sign the contract."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen looked up at him, "Are you sure you've read it carefully?"


Ah Heng didn't expect Lu Yuchen to ask such a question, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

After all, he didn't look at it at all, nor did he think about looking at it.

He just felt that Zhao Qiaoqiao was his wife's friend. If he took a serious look and thought it was wrong, his wife would definitely be able to convince Mr. Lu.At that time, the wife will still be dissatisfied with him. Instead of that, he might as well agree directly.

But when Lu Yuchen asked this question now, Ah Heng had no choice but to answer, "Even my wife is full of praise, I think it's okay."

Hearing Ah Heng's words, Lu Yuchen smiled, "You can adapt to the wind and know how to flatter An Qiaoran."

"Boss Lu is too worried."

"Okay, since you think it's okay, then sign it!" Lu Yuchen said, and glanced at Zhao Qiaoqiao, "You two can leave now."

Zhao Qiaoqiao glanced at A Heng, then at An Qiaoran, turned and left.

Ah Heng also left.

The door of the office was closed, and An Qiaoran turned to look at Lu Yuchen, "What do you think about the two of them? They are so weird, it seems that no one can tolerate the other."

"How do I know?" Lu Yuchen took the document and looked at it twice, then threw it aside without interest.

"Aheng has been with you for the longest time, don't you know him too?"

Ah Heng's personality is a bit weird, and she can't tell the specifics.

"Why should I know him?" Lu Yuchen asked with a natural expression.

An Qiaoran: "..."


On the day the contract was signed, An Qiaoran was also there. During the whole process, the two of them didn't say anything except about the contract.

After signing the contract, the two parted ways.

On the way back, An Qiaoran chased after Zhao Qiaoqiao to ask questions. Only when she was impatient, Zhao Qiaoqiao was willing to tell the truth.

It turned out that Ah Heng didn't go because of Zhao Qiaoqiao's wedding day.

It's really... strange that such a small matter caused two people to be at odds with each other.


The days after pregnancy were as calm as the wind, and six months passed like this, and the child in An Qiaoran's womb was already eight months old.

At this time, her stomach was already getting bigger, and An Qiaoran's body shape had also changed a lot. Her legs became thicker, and her face became rounder. In short, it formed a big contrast with before, and An Qiaoran didn't dare to look at it. Mirror up.

Because, every time she looked in the mirror, she would think of Lu Yuchen's words when he hugged her, "Looks like it's time for me to go to the gym."

(End of this chapter)

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