Chapter 595 Ran Ran Has True Love For You
"Young man, sit down first, and I will talk to you."

Grandma grabbed Lu Yuchen with her callused hands and made him sit on the small wooden stool.

Lu Yuchen watched his grandmother grab his hand, his face became heavy, but he still sat down, pursed his thin lips, and didn't say anything.

Is this also a chair for people to sit on?He sits with his butt.

Although he felt very uncomfortable, he just frowned.

"Young man, what do you do?" Grandma looked at Lu Yuchen with wrinkled eyes and asked kindly.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was stunned for a while, but didn't answer, and looked at Nade who was beside him meaningfully.

When Nade noticed Lu Yuchen's gaze, he was also stunned for a moment, and then said gently, "Our young master is in the real estate business."

There are many projects operated by IE, but one by one explains that the elderly don't understand much, so I have to summarize them briefly.

"Real estate business?" Before grandma could speak, uncle was already surprised, "The real estate business is good! My son works in a real estate company. May I ask which company Mr. Lu works for?"


Nade couldn't answer this question, so he could only look at Lu Yuchen helplessly.

Lu Yuchen was silent for two seconds, his thin lips parted slightly, "IE."

"IE? My son works as an assistant to the manager of the publicity department at IE, so what is your occupation?"

Lu Yuchen became a little impatient when his uncle asked again and again, his brows were furrowed, obviously he didn't want to answer this question.

It's inexplicable that a small assistant wants to show off to him.

Seeing that Lu Yuchen didn't answer, the uncle seemed even more proud, "It's okay to talk about being the champion, after all, I'm also Ran Ran's uncle, and I want to see if the person she's looking for is worthy of her lifelong entrustment."

Undoubtedly, Lu Yuchen was excited by saying this, and turned to look at him, "Her lifelong happiness has been entrusted to me, so it's meaningless to talk about it now, right?"

When Lu Yuchen said that, my uncle didn't know what to say, so he fell silent.

Grandma saw that Lu Yuchen was a little impatient, and said, "You don't have to think too much, after all, Ran Ran has gone out with her mother since she was a child, and she has no father. She lived with us for a while, and I like her very much, so for I still have to care about her life, if she lives well, then I can rest assured."

Grandma's kind words fell into Lu Yuchen's ears, and Lu Yuchen could tell that An Qiaoran, the grandmother, had a good relationship with her, so his tone was not bad, it could be considered polite.

"She's living a good life. She has money and someone loves her." Lu Yuchen thought that his grandmother would be very happy when he said this, but unexpectedly, his grandmother shook her head.

"No... that's not what I'm going to say." Grandma looked at Lu Yuchen and said in a straight line, "It's not that money can make a woman happy. The most important thing is to work hard."


Lu Yuchen frowned.

"Young man, I can tell that Ran Ran is sincere to you, but...Ran Ran is still young after all, she will always be a little willful and impulsive, and she has never experienced some things, so she made a hasty decision."

Lu Yuchen was a little confused when he heard grandma's words, "What do you mean?"

"Maybe if I tell you a story, you will understand." Grandma said, she got up and walked out the door, "Come with me."

Lu Yuchen followed his grandmother to the tree next to the house. The grandmother looked at Lu Yuchen and spoke slowly.

"Actually, I can tell that you are a child of a wealthy family. Your family power should not be underestimated!"


"Since Ran Ran is so devoted to you, I think it's necessary for me to tell you about her mother and her biological father."

(End of this chapter)

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