Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 596 I treat An Qiaoran differently from them!

Chapter 596 I Treat An Qiaoran Differently From Them!
Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned, somewhat inexplicably.

"Before you tell this story, you have to tell me whether Ran Ran's mother... is not here anymore."

When grandma said this, her voice was a little hoarse, and the tip of her nose was acidic.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned even tighter, but still nodded.

Seeing this, grandma closed her eyes sadly, took a deep breath, and said, "I knew..."

Back then An Xin insisted on taking Ran Ran away, no matter how reluctant Ran Ran was, she would drag Ran Ran away with her, and told her that she and Ran Ran would never appear in this home again in their lifetime.

Therefore, when Ran Ran appeared, she had already expected it.

Her daughter, An Xin, is gone.

Lu Yuchen couldn't help but twitched her thin lips when she saw her grandmother was so sad, "You are An Qiaoran's only relative now, so you can't have anything, otherwise, she will be very sad."

An Qiaoran's mouth had never closed since he decided to visit grandma, so he knew how important her grandma was to her.

Therefore, her grandma can't have anything to do.

When grandma heard his words, she looked at him for a second, then shook her head and said, "You know what? Ran Ran's mother was as innocent and pure as Ran Ran when she was young, but...she met that person .”

"He met An Xin when he was studying abroad. He was in the same school, and he didn't see him every day. Therefore, An Xin fell in love with him."

As grandma said, she suddenly looked up at Lu Yuchen, "Did you know? That man is the same as you, a rich man."


"An Xin loved this man with all her heart, even became pregnant with Ran Ran and gave birth to Ran Ran, but... that man didn't marry her either, he married another daughter, and sent their mother and daughter away with money."

"An Xin was disheartened, brought Ran Ran back here and let us take care of her."

The story ended here, and Lu Yuchen understood what grandma meant when she said this.

"Do you think... I will abandon An Qiaoran like that man?"

"All the rich men in the world are like this." Grandma said coldly, "He and An Xin used to be so inseparable. But... in the face of his family's opposition and the marriage his family prepared for him, Why did he resist?"

As grandma spoke, her tone became more and more excited.

"When he was married to another woman, when did he think about An Xin's mother and daughter who were abandoned by her in the empty house? When he listened to her wife and drove An Xin's mother and daughter away, when did he miss it? So many years have passed Why did he want to come and look for it? Ran Ran has grown up so much, he has never eaten a grain of rice or drank a sip of water from him, An Xin worked hard to raise him alone."

Grandma finished speaking in one breath, calmed down, and said slowly, "Rich men in this world only have money and interests in their hearts, and they have no feelings at all. Women are just playthings to them. Sincerely, it can't stand the test at all."

"Heh!" Lu Yuchen sneered after listening, "That's because he is incompetent!"

To be a man and do his part, it is not too much to die ten thousand times.

"He is incompetent, what about you?" Grandma looked at him with concern, "Mr. Lu, I think you and him should be similar."

"You can't generalize all rich men just because your daughter has been tricked by a man once." Lu Yuchen said, "I treat An Qiaoran... different from them!"

(End of this chapter)

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