Chapter 597 You Are Sincere

He treats An Qiaoran differently from them.

The man has no claim, he is not as useless as he is.

"Really?" Grandma looked at him uncertainly, "Because her mother has been cheated once, so... I'm not sure about you, I don't want Ran Ran to repeat the same mistakes."

"We're already married. Besides, I don't have a family. Besides, I'm not so poor that I need to get married."

When the old lady asked him to marry the Chen family, he disdainful!
"Even if you don't have anything, it doesn't mean that you won't have a new love. You men have never been clean before."

Grandma is also a cultural person after all, and she speaks unambiguously.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was a little helpless.

Except for An Qiaoran, he had never met any other woman. After thinking about it, the first time with An Qiaoran, it seemed that he was a little irritable.

"The relationship between An Qiaoran and me... not only the past two years, but also the relationship between us has spanned more than ten years. So, you don't need to worry so much."

It's really uncomfortable to be questioned about his sincerity, but this person is An Qiaoran's family, he has no choice but to passively explain.

"Ten years?"

Grandma said she didn't understand, and Lu Yuchen didn't have the patience to explain things clearly.

"In short, I won't let An Qiaoran down." He didn't want to say any unnecessary words, but in short, this was the sentence.

"Her father said the same thing," said the grandmother grimly.

Lu Yuchen: "..."

"Then how do you believe it?" Lu Yuchen wondered if her grandmother would let him divorce An Qiaoran if she didn't prove it clearly.

"No matter what, I won't believe it." Grandma said, glanced at the big tree beside her, and said to Lu Yuchen, "This bodhi tree is very spiritual, if you tell him your heartfelt feelings for Ran Ran, if it thinks If you are sincere, a leaf will fall, and if you are not, there will be none."

Grandma's words made Lu Yuchen feel a little helpless to complain.

You spoke quite cleverly just now, why are you confused now?Still believe in these things?

But in the face of this situation, he has no other way.

He took a step forward, walked under the bodhi tree, looked up at the top of the tree, closed his eyes, said An Qiaoran's name silently in his heart, and then opened his eyes.

A whole wind blew, and a leaf fell from the branches. Lu Yuchen reached out and took it.

Grandma looked at the leaf in Lu Yu's hand, walked over in surprise, held it in her hand and looked at it. Among the leaves, she saw the scene of Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran walking on the square hand in hand.

Immediately, the expression on her face became a little surprised, and she turned to look at Lu Yuchen, "It seems that you are sincere, and Ran Ran must be very happy if she finds you."

"That's natural! She married me, and she has never been unhappy."

Lu Yuchen spoke proudly, while grandma was still holding the leaf in her hand.

At this time, An Qiaoran's voice suddenly sounded outside the door, "Grandma, Lu Yuchen, the meal is ready."

"Oh, okay, let's come over now." Grandma responded, looking at Lu Yuchen, "Let's go back!"

Lu Yuchen nodded his chin lightly, picked up the leaf and looked at it, but found nothing wrong.

It seems that this country old man's superstition is really serious.

A square wooden table was placed in the center of the yard, and four small benches were arranged neatly.

Lu Yuchen was pulled over by An Qiaoran to sit on the bench, and served him a meal, "I made these meals myself, you should eat more."

(End of this chapter)

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