Chapter 598 It's So Easy To Satisfy
Do it yourself?

When Lu Yuchen heard this, he frowned immediately, "Didn't I tell you not to cook?"

I have done so much, how tiring!

Hearing this, An Qiaoran felt a little helpless, "I finally came to my grandma's house, so I will naturally make some delicious food for them."

An Qiaoran said, and also put some cured bacon for Lu Yuchen, "Try this, it's delicious, better than braised pork."

An Qiaoran said, and took a piece for each of the grandparents sitting opposite, "Grandma, try it."

"Good, good!" Grandma picked up a piece and ate it, and gave An Qiaoran a thumbs up, "It's very good, it tastes good."

The meals were simple and not as prosperous as at home, but An Qiaoran felt that this was the best meal she had ever eaten.

Since there was really no room for a seat, and there were not so many bowls and chopsticks, the bodyguards had nothing to eat, and Lu Yuchen only reluctantly spoke because An Qiaoran was doing it.

However, the taste is not as bad as expected.

After the meal, An Qiaoran said that he was going to wash the dishes, and Lu Yuchen immediately called the bodyguards to wash them. Grandma and grandpa's expressions brightened.

They looked at each other and laughed.The sun was gradually setting, and the yard was dim. An Qiaoran and his grandmother were sitting on the shabby sofa in the yard, leaning on her shoulders and acting like a spoiled child.

"Grandma, I'm here this time to take you two elders and me to live in the city."

Hearing this, grandma was stunned, and turned to look at her, "Ran Ran, are you serious?"

"That's right! When I came here, I discussed with Lu Yuchen, let you two elders move in, so that I can take care of you."

If it wasn't for her grandma when she was young, maybe she wouldn't have seen Lu Yuchen, and her grandpa and grandma treated her very well, and she wanted to repay and honor them.

"Ran Ran! I think... there is no need for us to bother you, we are all half-buried..."

"Grandma, I don't allow you to say such things, you will be fine, you and grandpa are both healthy." An Qiaoran said, holding grandma's hand, "Grandma, I don't want to regret my mother, I regret it again You guys, you better come with me! Otherwise, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

Her biggest regret is that she didn't honor her mother once in her lifetime.

But now, she has found her grandpa and grandma. She wants to make up for the regret she felt towards her mother on her grandpa and grandma. Their first half of life was too hard. From now on, she wants to make them live happily.

Grandma was taken aback by An Qiaoran's words. She reached out her hand to touch her face, and smiled gratifiedly, "You are so kind. Alright, we'll go with you."

"That's great." An Qiaoran hugged grandma excitedly, almost crying.

"An Qiaoran, watch out for your stomach!" Lu Yuchen's dissatisfied voice sounded from above.

An Qiaoran brought her grandma, and turned to look at him, "Grandma promised me that I can see them often from now on."

Seeing An Qiaoran so happy, Lu Yuchen felt a little helpless, this woman is so easy to satisfy.


At this time, behind the door, uncle and aunt were standing there with their ears pressed against the door, listening to An Qiaoran's conversation outside, feeling a little envious in their hearts.

"Now my parents are all going to the city, why hasn't my son come to pick us up? Xiaoxi is clamoring to see his father! You have to think of a way, I'm going to the city, I don't want to stay in the city for the rest of my life." This kind of place."

The uncle was silent for a while, then looked at his aunt, "Didn't you just say that Xiaoxi was going to see Dad? It's reasonable for us to send him there!"

(End of this chapter)

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