Chapter 600 Wash together?

Lu Yuchen changed his shoes expressionlessly and walked in. The uncle and aunt behind him couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, "This welcome formation is like a scene in a TV series. Didn't I time travel? It's so wonderful."

Walking in, crystal chandeliers, white wool carpets, leather sofas, and so on...

My aunt couldn't wait to run over and sit down, "It's so soft! It's so comfortable to sit on, Xiaoxi, come and sit down."

Xiao Xi immediately ran over and sat down with a look of happiness.

An Qiaoran pulled her grandmother to sit down on the sofa. Just as everyone sat down, the maid had already brought tea and put it on the table, "Tea, please."

"Thank you!" My aunt thanked her, raised her tea and drank it in one gulp, "Please give me another cup, thank you."

Seeing her like this, the maid looked disgusted, but she resigned herself to her fate.

Lu Yuchen went upstairs to change, An Qiaoran was talking with grandma in the hall, and Nade went to arrange a banquet.

Everyone is busy with their own work, and no one pays attention to this side.

"Grandma, I want to watch TV."

Xiaoxi pulled her aunt's sleeve to act coquettishly. The aunt turned her eyes and looked around, but she didn't find the TV, "Good boy, Xiaoxi, there is no TV at my aunt's house! Let's just sit here, okay?"

An Qiaoran who was on the side heard the words and had no choice but to say, "The TV is in the side hall! I'll take you there!"

An Qiaoran said, then looked at grandma, "Grandma, let me take you to the side hall!"

"it is good!"

So, the group went to the side hall, and just as An Qiaoran turned on the TV, the maid came over with her mobile phone.

"Ma'am, your cell phone."

Ever since she got pregnant, An Qiaoran seldom carried her mobile phone with her, and she could only call her landline.

An Qiaoran took the phone, "Hello?"

"Come take a shower!" Lu Yuchen's domineering voice rang from the phone.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was a little stunned, "Aren't you upstairs? Why did you call me?"

"I don't want to go down!" Lu Yuchen said perfunctorily, and then urged again, "Come up quickly!"

"I see."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, he hung up the phone and gave the phone to the maid, then walked to grandma's side and said, "Grandma, if you have any questions, just ask these maids, they will help you, I'll go take a shower first." bath."

An Qiaoran said, considering the shoes they were still wearing, he ordered the maid beside him, "Please tell the housekeeper De to prepare some home clothes and slippers for grandpa and grandma, and then arrange a place for them to rest and bring them take a break."

"Understood ma'am."

The maid turned and left, and An Qiaoran also left the side hall, went upstairs to the third floor, and opened the bedroom door.

The sound of shower water came from the bathroom, An Qiaoran went to the cloakroom, came out with a bathrobe, and heard Lu Yuchen's voice.

"Bring me a bathrobe and come in!"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran smiled helplessly, then went to get his bathrobe again, gently pushed open the bathroom door, and handed in the hand holding his bathrobe, "Did you see it?"

"I said bring it in." Lu Yuchen said again.

An Qiaoran was very helpless, "Wouldn't I have seen you all if I went in while you were taking a shower?"

She doesn't have that eccentric hobby.

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, the bathroom door was suddenly opened, and Lu Yuchen's upper body appeared within An Qiaoran's line of sight.

"It's not like I haven't seen it..." Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran's raised eyebrows, glanced at her big belly, and said, "Otherwise, where did your big belly come from? Hmm?"

Lu Yuchen's words made An Qiaoran's face turn red, and he handed him the bathrobe, "Put it on quickly, I want to take a bath."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen glanced at the bathrobe in An Qiaoran's hand, and didn't intend to take it, "Who told you that I finished washing it? Didn't I just say, let's wash it together?"

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, before An Qiaoran could react, Lu Yuchen had already dragged her in...

(End of this chapter)

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