Chapter 601 Lonely Lonely Cold

With a bang, the bathroom door was shut.

An Qiaoran was pressed against the wall by Lu Yuchen. He was very careful not to press her stomach. With his hands on her sides, Junpang approached her.

Such ambiguous actions made An Qiaoran feel a little uncomfortable, "What are you doing? Don't forget, you can't touch me now."

An Qiaoran looked at him warily.

When Lu Yuchen heard this, the interest on his face disappeared instantly, his face was extremely ugly, and he let go of her.

Damn it, when does this day end?

Seeing the huge contrast in Lu Yuchen's face, An Qiaoran was a little pleased, and within a second, she couldn't laugh anymore.

Because, a certain man's claws had already pulled her under the shower, and the warm water instantly sprinkled on her body, and her clothes were instantly wet...

"I'll help you take a bath, and you rub my back." Lu Yuchen said darkly, and stretched out his hand, trying to take off An Qiaoran's soaked clothes.

An Qiaoran seemed to have seen through his intentions, and quickly stretched out his hand to protect himself, took a step back, and looked at him defensively, "Forget it, I'll do it myself, and get out after you wash up."

"I didn't wash it well." Lu Yuchen frowned and said, he was full of lust now, if he hadn't estimated her, he wouldn't have been able to bear it for so long.

"You didn't wash it well and let me get the bathrobe?" An Qiaoran looked at him speechlessly.

"I asked you to come in on purpose? No?" Lu Yuchen choked for a while, and then spoke plausibly.


Everything he said made sense, as if he wasn't plotting against her.

"I don't care, anyway, I'm already wet by you now, you go out now, otherwise I can't wash."

As An Qiaoran spoke, he stretched out his hand to push him, ignoring his lower body as much as possible, took the bathrobe and hung it on his body, and pushed him out of the bathroom.

Lu Yuchen was afraid of hurting her, so he didn't resist, and let her push, but when the door was about to close, Lu Yuchen blocked it.

"What? You still want to take a shower with me?" Isn't he afraid of having a runny nose and taking a cold shower?
How could Lu Yuchen not hear the sarcasm in An Qiaoran's words?His face was gloomy.

"If you want, I don't mind." Lu Yuchen raised his eyebrows and said to her.


"However, if you don't want to, you have to kiss me." A certain man said with a serious face.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran felt a little helpless, but after a while, she still stood on tiptoe, raised her lips, and kissed deeply twice.

Lu Yuchen was enjoying the kiss, but when he was about to deepen the kiss, An Qiaoran had already backed away, "You can go."

After leaving this sentence, the bathroom door was closed, leaving Lu Yuchen standing outside alone.

Ever since An Qiaoran became pregnant, he had never touched her again. Although everything was fine except for the first and last three months, he still couldn't bear it, but the end result of his unwillingness was to make him take cold showers every day.

Lonely and cold.

Lu Yuchen stared at the bathroom door for a moment, then turned and left, went downstairs to the kitchen, and ate some fruit.

Although he had eaten in the country, he didn't eat much, and he wasn't even half full, so now he's a little hungry.

He came to the lobby, Nade brought his notebook, he opened it, and received a lot of documents on it.

Open them one by one and check them out.

When he was halfway through, a little fat man suddenly crawled beside him, looking at the text on the screen.

"What is this?" Xiaoxi simply asked, not only that, but also reached out to touch it.

Lu Yuchen's face was a little ugly, he closed the notebook, turned to look at him, "You like it very much?"

(End of this chapter)

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