Chapter 602 Don't make loud noises!

"Yeah." Xiaoxi nodded, looking helplessly at the notebook on the table.


Lu Yuchen pursed his thin lips, turned around and went upstairs without saying a word, leaving the notebook there.

Xiaoxi was about to reach out to take it, but the maid took it away first.

Xiaoxi started crying immediately, after all he was a flexible fat man, and his voice was very loud, the crying quickly attracted everyone who was watching TV in the side hall.

My aunt looked at Xiao Xi who was standing in front of the sofa crying loudly, and hurried over, "What's the matter? Xiao Xi, tell grandma, what's the matter? Grandma decides for you."

Xiaoxi was still crying loudly, startled the maid who was holding a notebook beside her, subconsciously thinking that she made him cry.

"Grandma, I want that..." Xiaoxi fell into her aunt's arms, pointed at the notebook in the maid's hand, and said crying.

Hearing this, the maid was stunned for a second, and after receiving the look from her aunt, she quickly said, "This is Mr.'s office notebook, you can't play with it casually."

Auntie heard this, looked at it seriously, and then said, "Since Xiaoxi likes it, let's play with him for a while! Don't worry, it won't be damaged."

"But this is sir's..."

"Oh, why don't you just accommodate me! Xiaoxi is your wife's nephew, and Mr. Lu will agree."

What the aunt said made the maid stunned.

Normally, as long as the wife allows it, nothing is a problem, but this laptop is a little different, so...

"Sorry, really can't..."

After the maid finished speaking, she turned and left, intending to deliver the notebook to Nade and then to Lu Yuchen.

Xiaoxi couldn't get this thing, so she cried even louder, resounding throughout the villa, even Lu Yuchen who was in the study on the third floor heard it, and frowned instantly.

I didn't have the time to work, so I got up and left the study room. At the top of the stairs, I happened to meet An Qiaoran who was said to be wearing a bathrobe, and they went downstairs together.

"Xiaoxi, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you?" An Qiaoran walked up to Xiaoxi and asked with concern.

Lu Yuchen frowned tightly when he heard the cry of the sky falling apart.

Xiaoxi kept crying in her aunt's arms, ignoring An Qiaoran at all.

My aunt was very distressed when she heard the cry, "It's like this, Xiaoxi, when he saw the notebook on the table, he wanted to play with it, but the maid didn't want to, so he cried."

After the words were finished, Xiaoxi cried even louder, Lu Yuchen's ears were filled with his crying, and he was in a panic.

"Shut up! Stop crying!" Lu Yuchen growled irritably as he looked at the little kid.

Lu Yuchen's voice was very imposing, and Xiaoxi was so frightened that he hurriedly ran behind his aunt, but he stopped crying and looked at Lu Yuchen eagerly.

Lu Yuchen looked at him and said coldly, "No loud noises are allowed here, do you understand?"

He doesn't like his son, crying and making noise all day, it's annoying.

Xiaoxi was crying very hard at first, but after Lu Yuchen's roar, she didn't even dare to make a sound, and looked at Lu Yuchen with eyes full of fear.

"He's still a child." An Qiaoran gave Lu Yuchen a dissatisfied look.

Lu Yuchen didn't say any more, and sat on the sofa beside him with his hands crossed over his chest, and his expression was not very good-looking.

Uncle and aunt were also startled by Lu Yuchen's sudden roar, and they didn't speak anymore.

"He has a bad temper, but he's still a good person." An Qiaoran looked at his aunt and said, "Doesn't Xiaoxi like notebooks? I'll ask the maid to bring them to him."

As An Qiaoran spoke, she glanced at the maid behind her. The maid understood, and went upstairs to bring the notebook to him.

Xiaoxi looked at the notebook on the table. Although she wanted it very much, she noticed Lu Yuchen on the sofa and finally shook her head, "I don't want it anymore, grandma, let's watch TV!"

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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