Chapter 616
An Qiaoran reached out to touch her cheek, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.


An Qiaoran called the baby happily, feeling very happy in her heart.

"Lu Yuchen, the child is a month old, have you decided on a name? What is it?"

When he was in the hospital, An Qiaoran thought of this matter, but Lu Yuchen said he had to think about it, and now he thinks about it for a month.

Lu Yuchen looked at the baby in the crib, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and a magnetic voice sounded, "Lu Jiayi."

"Jiayi..." An Qiaoran called the name carefully, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "It sounds good."


All morning, An Qiaoran stayed in the baby's room and looked at her daughter. The more she looked at her, the happier she became, as if no matter how much she looked at her, she couldn't get enough.

Because Lu Yuchen has been with An Qiaoran in the hospital for more than a month, so he has accumulated a lot of affairs.

After staying in the baby room with An Qiaoran for a while, they went to the study to deal with matters.

An Qiaoran went down alone to eat the dumplings made by grandma, and praised grandma for her craftsmanship while eating.

Grandma seldom cooks before, but as long as she cooks, the food will be delicious.

After more than ten years, she finally ate the dumplings made by her grandmother.

"Young Madam, Miss Chen is here." Nade came to An Qiaoran and said respectfully.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, then stood up, "Is it the eldest sister?"

"Yes, young lady." Nade nodded, An Qiaoran walked out, followed by grandma.

Chen Lanyu was standing in front of the sofa with some things, An Qiaoran walked over, "Eldest sister..."

Hearing her voice, Chen Lanyu turned around and looked at her with a smile on her face, "Ran Ran..."

"Sister, why are you here? What's the matter?" An Qiaoran walked over, motioned her to sit down, and asked.

"It's nothing, I just came to see you and Yuchen's baby is full moon today."

Chen Lanyu always had a friendly smile on her face, and An Qiaoran naturally believed it, "The baby is upstairs! I'll let someone carry it down for you to see! You don't seem to have seen her yet!"

As An Qiaoran spoke, he looked at the maid beside him. The maid understood and turned to go upstairs.

"I also bought some gifts for the baby." Chen Lanyu opened the paper bag in her hand, and took out a set of baby clothes from it. "See if it fits, isn't it a little too big?"

An Qiaoran looked at the baby clothes in Chen Lanyu's hands, and couldn't help laughing, "The baby is only one month old now, this clothes... are a bit big..."

"Really? That's a pity. I haven't given birth to a child, and I don't know what size she wears." Chen Lanyu said regretfully.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran realized that she was being too straightforward, so she reached out to take it, held it in her hand and looked at it, "It's a bit big, but I can wear it when she grows up, thank you Ah! Miss."

"It's okay." Chen Lanyu smiled and shook her head, "It should be."

After Chen Lanyu finished speaking, the servant had already brought the baby over. An Qiaoran got up and took it into his arms, the baby was still smiling.

Chen Lanyu stood up, looked down at the child in An Qiaoran's arms, her eyes were a little dull, "it looks like you and Yuchen! You have such a good temper, she should be very good, right?"

"Yes, she is very obedient, and she likes to laugh, but when she cries, she is very violent, and she can't be coaxed no matter what."

"Aren't children like this?" Chen Lanyu said, looking around, and asked suspiciously, "Where is Yuchen? Has he gone to the company?"

(End of this chapter)

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