Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 617 I ate sushi, and then I ate you

Chapter 617 I ate sushi, and then I ate you

"He's working upstairs!" An Qiaoran said, "Since I got pregnant, he hasn't been to the company very much. Now that I finally gave birth and my body has recovered, it's time for him to go to work. "

An Qiaoran said with emotion, completely oblivious to Chen Lanyu's gradually dull eyes.

It turned out that listening to An Qiaoran talk about the matter between her and Lu Yuchen was so painful, why did she humiliate herself?
"Yuchen, does he like girls very much?" Chen Lanyu asked with too much emotion in his eyes.

"He likes girls very much. Now that he has a girl, he is very happy!"

An Qiaoran's eyes were on the baby from the beginning to the end, and he couldn't take his eyes off at all. The little guy was also looking at him.

Chen Lanyu looked at the smile on An Qiaoran's face, and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, "No matter how much Yuchen likes girls, IE will definitely give it to boys in the future. Are you and Yuchen still planning to have children?"

Chen Lanyu's question stumped An Qiaoran, he hadn't thought about it, so he didn't know how to answer it, so he shook his head, "I don't know."

"I'm just curious, so ask, Ran Ran, don't think too much."

An Qiaoran shook his head, "No."

"The old lady asked me to buy some medicine for her! I'll go first." As Chen Lanyu said, she picked up her bag and was about to leave.

buy medicine?

"Is the old lady sick?" An Qiaoran asked subconsciously.

Hearing this, Chen Lanyu paused, and then said, "I'm not sick, but I have chest tightness and shortness of breath. The housekeeper said there is nothing serious, just rest for a few days and it will be fine."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran nodded in understanding.

Chen Lanyu glanced at her expression, a little tangled, but still said, "The old lady's illness is also due to Yuchen's affairs, Ran Ran, how can I say that the old lady is also Yuchen's grandma, the old lady is old and should not be stimulated, Yu Chen has been angry with her because of you, the old lady is very sad, you should accompany Yuchen to see her when you have time? After all, she is also for Yuchen."

Chen Lanyu's words stunned An Qiaoran for a while, and then she nodded, "I will find time, and I will personally apologize to her with Lu Yuchen."

"Well, then I can rest assured. If possible, I hope you can reconcile the relationship between her and Yuchen. After all, in the old lady's heart, she still loves Yuchen, her grandson."

"I see."

Chen Lanyu saw that she didn't seem to be perfunctory, so she turned and left.

An Qiaoran sat on the sofa with the baby in her arms, thinking about the day when she gave birth prematurely.

At that time, she was indeed dizzy from anger, that's why she said that. After all, the old lady had been belittling grandma all the time, and she couldn't stand it.

But thinking about it now, no matter how bad the old lady is, she really shouldn't talk about her. After all, she is Lu Yuchen's grandma, and also... her grandma.

Now that the old lady is sick with anger, she and Lu Yuchen should go see it.

In the evening, An Qiaoran put the baby in the crib, and was taken care of by a special maid. She went to the bathroom to take a shower, and when she came out, she saw Lu Yuchen coming in with a plate of sushi, and sat down on the sofa.

An Qiaoran wiped his hair with a towel and walked over. Looking at the sushi on his plate, he couldn't help asking, "Are you going to eat this tonight?"

He has been in the study for a whole day, and he specifically told anyone not to go in and disturb him. Naturally, he hadn't eaten all day, so now he only eats sushi?
"No, I ate the sushi and then I will eat you." Lu Yuchen took a bite of the sushi and said.

(End of this chapter)

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