Chapter 618 How dare you lie to him!
Hearing Lu Yuchen's magnetic words, An Qiaoran blushed somewhat disappointingly.

"To be serious with you, shall I eat it for you?"

As An Qiaoran said, he brushed his hair carelessly, then stood up, ready to turn around and leave.

Suddenly, Lu Yuchen grabbed her hand, and before An Qiaoran could react, he had already pulled her back forcefully, and then quickly pressed her down on the sofa.

An Qiaoran looked at him in shock, and subconsciously called his name, "Lu Yuchen..."

Lu Yuchen supported her with one hand, and pushed the fine hair from her forehead behind her ears with the other, and said in an extremely magnetic voice, "I don't eat noodles."

"But you haven't eaten all day." An Qiaoran was a little dissatisfied.

"But I'll be full soon." As Lu Yuchen said, he raised her chin and stared at her with deep eyes, "An Qiaoran, kiss me."

"No!" An Qiaoran immediately refused.

Lu Yuchen frowned, very dissatisfied, "An Qiaoran!"

"If you eat the meal, everything is easy to talk about."

He stared at the computer screen in the study all day, no wonder he wasn't hungry.

Hearing An Qiaoran's words "everything is easy to say", Lu Yuchen struggled for a long time, then turned over and sat up, glanced at her, and said as a warning, "Everything you said is easy to say, don't go back on your word, or..."

Looking at his dangerous gaze, An Qiaoran scolded herself all over in her heart, she's just a cheap talker, why did she say that?It must be squeezed into juice by him now, no... there is no juice left.

"It's only now that I know how to regret it, it's too late!" Lu Yuchen couldn't help but said when he saw her expression of wanting to bite off his tongue.

"I don't go back on my word, I'll go and give it to you now..." An Qiaoran laughed, then stood up and turned to leave.

Seeing her fleeing back, Lu Yuchen's mouth curled up slightly, feeling good, he got up and went into the bathroom.

After An Qiaoran left the bedroom, he went downstairs to let Nade cook the noodles, while he ran to the baby's room.

Seeing An Qiaoran coming in, the two maids inside thought she was here to see their daughter, so they whispered, "Miss is already asleep, we will take care of it, madam, go and rest!"

"Hush! You see nothing."

An Qiaoran made a silent gesture to the two maids, and then walked to the crib, looking at her sleeping daughter, An Qiaoran lay down on the big pink bed beside her.

Seeing this, the two maids looked at each other in blank dismay. Ma'am... what are you doing?
Although puzzled, they didn't ask in order not to wake up the lady.


Lu Yuchen waited for a long time on the big bed in the bedroom, and finally, the door was opened after two knocks.

Lu Yuchen was wrapped around a bath towel, lying on his side on the big bed with his head propped up, eyes closed, when he heard the sound of the door opening, he said without thinking, "An Qiaoran, come and feed me."

"It's me, young master." Nade walked to the big bed, looked at Lu Yuchen on the big bed, and couldn't help lowering his head.

This young master...dressed up like this...was waiting for his wife?The wife asked him to send me over...

When it was over, he seemed to think that he should be scolded.

as predicted……

Hearing his voice, Lu Yuchen opened his eyes suddenly, turned over and sat up, stared at Nade who was facing the bedside, and said in a deep voice, "Why are you? Where's An Qiaoran?"

Sure enough, I was waiting for my wife...

Nade was startled, and said tremblingly, "Young Madam said she went to see Miss, so she asked me to cook the noodles and send them over..."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's face darkened immediately, An Qiaoran dared to lie to him!
Lu Yuchen's face became more and more serious, and his anger reached the extreme.

The next second, he suddenly got up and got out of bed, and walked outside before he could put on his shoes...

(End of this chapter)

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