Chapter 619 You hurt me

Passing by Nade's side, a gust of cold wind hit, Nade shivered for a second, then put his face on the bedside table beside him, turned around and ran out.

Lu Yuchen over here has gone mad with anger, while An Qiaoran in the baby room next door slept comfortably and had an unspeakable dream.

In the dream, she was pressed tightly under Lu Yuchen, doing movements that made her blush...

Suddenly, a loud noise woke her up from her dream. An Qiaoran sat up in shock and asked in a panic, "What's wrong?"

"It seems that Mr. is outside..." The servant looked at each other for a while, and then looked at An Qiaoran who was on the bed.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran subconsciously stood up and turned to look in the direction of the door.

"An Qiaoran, get out!" There was a loud knock on the door accompanied by the man's roar.

Hearing Lu Yuchen's angry tone, An Qiaoran bit her lower lip with a guilty conscience, stubbornly refusing to open the door for him, not planning to answer him.

The servants also had nothing to do about it, did the husband quarrel with his wife?
The knock on the door was frighteningly loud, almost resounding throughout the villa, An Qiaoran covered his ears so loudly.

Suddenly there was a "wow", and the cry of a baby sounded in the room, and Xiao Jiayi, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by Lu Yuchen's knock on the door.

Seeing her daughter crying, An Qiaoran hurried over, hugged the child, and coaxed, "Baby don't cry."

No matter how hard An Qiaoran tried to coax him, the child kept crying, and this crying made An Qiaoran feel distressed.

There is no other way, this Lu Yuchen has been knocking on the door, she can only go and open the door, otherwise the child will continue to cry.

Thinking about it, An Qiaoran gave the child to the servant, and then walked towards the door.

Lu Yuchen outside the door was completely unaware of the chaos inside, he was kicking and punching outside, the noise was terrifyingly loud.

The veins on his forehead were bulging, his face was extremely gloomy, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura.

As long as he thinks that this woman lied to him, he will be very angry, wishing to rush in and crush An Qiaoran under him...

But this baby room was arranged by An Qiaoran herself, the key is with her, and there is no spare key at all.

Damn it, he can only vent his emotions on the broken door outside.

Seeing the young master like this, Nade on the side was a little helpless, and felt a little sympathetic to An Qiaoran. The young master was so angry, she should have a hard time.

While he was silently blessing An Qiaoran, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and An Qiaoran with an impatient face appeared in Lu Yuchen's sight.

"Your temper is too violent, your daughter was woken up by you, and now she is crying all the time."

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and said with some dissatisfaction.

Seeing that she finally opened the door, the cold air on Lu Yuchen's face became even colder. He stared at her with cold eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you still embarrassed to say that?"

She lied to him! ! !
Lu Yuchen's eyes were filled with anger and sharpness that had never been seen before. An Qiaoran felt a little guilty with such sharp eyes. He looked at the floor, but not him.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yuchen reached out and raised her chin, glaring at her, "What? Don't you have anything to say?"

Because of anger, Lu Yuchen's hand was a little strong, and An Qiaoran was in pain, "You hurt me."

"Does this hurt?" Lu Yuchen sneered, "Then I'll let you know what pain is!"

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking in a cold voice, he bent down and lifted An Qiaoran up, turned around and kicked the bedroom next door, and carried her in...

(End of this chapter)

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