Chapter 629 Agreeing to Her Conditions


Grandma was very happy when Lu Yuchen walked into the villa with An Qiaoran in his arms.

"Yuchen, is Ran Ran asleep?" Grandma asked when she saw An Qiaoran with her eyes closed in Lu Yuchen's arms.

"En." Lu Yuchen nodded his chin lightly, then went upstairs with An Qiaoran in his arms, put her on a big soft bed, covered her with a quilt, straightened her forehead hair behind her ears, and watched Looking at her pursed mouth, he couldn't help but possess himself and kissed her lips.

An Qiaoran moved uncomfortably, pursed her lips and went back to sleep.

The way she pouts her mouth is so cute, Lu Yuchen looked at it, and smiled slightly with the corners of her mouth curled up.

After taking a few glances at her, he turned around, left the bedroom, first went to the baby room to check on Lu Jiayi, and found that little Jiayi was also sleeping, so he pulled Deng Zi to sit in front of the crib, carefully staring at the baby in the crib. daughter looked up.

When Xiao Jiayi was sleeping, she raised her hands above her head and her mouth was tightly pursed, looking very cute.

Lu Yuchen looked at it, the corners of his mouth subconsciously curled up, and he smiled.

The maid at the side looked at Lu Yuchen smiling, as if she was dazzled, wiped her eyes uncertainly, and found that Lu Yuchen was still smiling, and the two of them were sure that Lu Yuchen was really looking at the child and laughing.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu would also laugh.

Lu Yuchen was looking at little Jiayi right in front of the crib, and the more she looked at her, the more adorable she became. He almost couldn't help reaching out to touch her little face several times, but he didn't move because he was afraid of waking her up.

Just as he was watching it vigorously, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

Frowning in displeasure, he took out his phone and glanced at it, then walked out and picked it up impatiently.

"Yuchen, do you want to go back on your word?" The female voice on the other side of the phone rang.

Lu Yuchen frowned, gripped the phone tightly, "No."

"But when will you come over? The old lady is dying..."

Before the words over there were finished, Lu Yuchen hung up the phone impatiently, his brows were furrowed, and the hand holding the phone was constantly exerting force, his fingertips turned white.

After a while, he resolutely turned around and went downstairs. When he met Nade, he said, "If An Qiaoran asks where I have been, tell her that I have agreed to her terms."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yuchen didn't care whether Nade understood or not, walked out of the villa, got into the car, started the car, and drove to the other side of the mountain.

Nad looked bewildered.


In the hall of the villa on the other side, Chen Lanyu looked helplessly at the hung up phone.

"What? He still doesn't want to come?" The old lady who was drinking tea on the sofa had already guessed it when she saw her bitter face.

Chen Lanyu shook her head and said, "Although he hung up the phone, it is impossible for him to leave you alone. You are his grandma anyway."

The old lady shook her head when she heard the words, "You don't need to comfort me, I know, he has a very stubborn temper, just like his father, he used his emotions for a woman."

Chen Lanyu was silent for a long time after hearing the words, and then said, "I told him just now that you are dying, maybe he will come soon, do you want... to prepare first?"

"There is no need to make special preparations. He is very smart. If I deliberately pretend to be sick, he will be able to tell at a glance. At that time, the gain will outweigh the loss."

The old lady said, and sighed, "Besides, look at me now, don't I look like I'm terminally ill?"

Having said that, Chen Lanyu still has some concerns, "Although you look weak, it's different from what I told Yuchen. If he comes to see you like this, then..."

"It's okay." The old lady shook her head, "Although you told him that I was dying, but according to his temper, he will definitely struggle first and won't come so soon."


Chen Lanyu was about to say something, when the car engine rang, and immediately after, the butler ran in, and said in a panic, "Madam, the young master is here."

(End of this chapter)

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