Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 630 How dare you lie to me with such acting skills?

Chapter 630 How dare you lie to me with such acting skills?

The butler's words stunned Chen Lanyu and the old lady for a second.

In the next second, the old lady quickly put down the teacup, and hurriedly ordered to the servant, "Hurry up and bring me a quilt."

After speaking, she lay down on the sofa, closed her eyes, her face looked weak.

"Hurry up and get ready, there is only one chance, there can be no mistakes." The old lady closed her eyes and instructed.

The butler ran away in a panic, while Chen Lanyu squatted in front of the sofa, looking at the old lady worriedly.

When Lu Yuchen strode in, he saw such a scene.

He pursed his thin lips, walked over, stopped in front of the sofa, lowered his eyes, and looked deeply at the old lady with closed eyes on the sofa. His forehead was covered with sweat, and his eyes were filled with unclear emotions.

Chen Lanyu, who was squatting on the ground, looked at Lu Yuchen beside him, and stood up, her eyes were a little red and swollen, "The old lady's condition is a little unstable, you can talk to her for a while!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and turned her back to this side.Lu Yuchen stared at the old lady on the sofa with deep eyes.

"You eat and live here for nothing, and that's how you take care of her?" His cold voice sounded in the hall.

Hearing this, Chen Lanyu's body froze, she turned to face him, blinked, and tears welled up in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of the old lady, please punish me!"

Lu Yuchen looked at Chen Lanyu, who was clearly overwhelmed with sadness, glanced at the teacup on the tea table from the corner of his eye, and his eyes changed slightly, then bent down, picked up the teacup, and looked at it carefully.

The teacup is still warm, and there are water stains on the coffee table...

Seeing all these signs, Lu Yuchen's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Chen Lanyu watched Lu Yuchen's face cool down a little bit, and saw him staring at the teacup, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

With a "bang", Lu Yuchen let go, and the teacup fell on the bright floor, tea leaves and glass shards fell all over the floor.

"Yuchen, you..." Chen Lanyu was startled, and subconsciously blurted out.

However, just as she opened her mouth, Lu Yuchen glared at her fiercely. She was immediately frightened, and she took a step back unconsciously...

"How dare you lie to me with such acting skills? You are courting death!" Lu Yuchen glared at Chen Lanyu, and a low and cool voice came out of his mouth, almost gnashing his teeth.

Chen Lanyu was shocked and frightened when she heard the words, but she still shook her head, "I don't know, how did I deceive you."

"You still dare to argue!" Lu Yuchen snarled, and Chen Lanyu fell down on the sofa in fright, looking at Lu Yuchen who was extremely angry at this time with a look of panic.

It seems that it's a dress...

"It seems that this is your idea?" Lu Yuchen looked at the pale Chen Lanyu, sneered coldly, pointed out the door, "Get out!"

Chen Lanyu didn't move, and looked at Lu Yuchen who was exuding hostility at this moment in fear.
"Didn't you hear me telling you to get out?" Seeing that she was not moving, Lu Yuchen's unhappy eyes became colder.

Chen Lanyu still didn't move, but just looked at him stubbornly, "I admit, I lied to you, but what am I doing for? I am doing it for the old lady."

As Chen Lanyu said, she stood up slowly, with persistent eyes, "You are living a chic and happy life with An Qiaoran in the other garden, but you don't care about your grandma, Yuchen, aren't you Such a cruel person, how could you do this?"

"I don't need you to judge me." Lu Yuchen said coldly.

"But the old lady treats me like a granddaughter, and I can't just watch her die in depression." Chen Lanyu looked at him and said, "Although you have severed ties with her, the blood and affection are still there. I believe that even if I If you don't need to exchange that condition with you, you will come, and your standing here is enough to show that you still care about the old lady."

(End of this chapter)

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