Chapter 631 Conspiracy

"Yuchen, although the old lady treated An Qiaoran a little too much, but...he is also thinking of you, you shouldn't ignore her like this."

As Chen Lanyu said, she stepped forward to grab his hand, but Lu Yuchen suddenly glared at her with extremely cold eyes, and Chen Lanyu's hand was in mid-air.

Lu Yuchen just stared at her without saying a word. He glanced at the old lady who was still pretending to be unconscious on the sofa, then turned around and prepared to leave.

"Yuchen!" After Lu Yuchen turned around, the old lady's voice suddenly sounded, and Lu Yuchen's footsteps stopped.

The old lady stood up from the sofa, looked at Lu Yuchen, "I was pretending to be sick, but I just wanted to see you."

Lu Yuchen turned his back to her and didn't respond or speak.

"You don't know how big this villa is, and how lonely I am. You have severed ties with me, but you are still my grandson. How could it be possible for me to have no contact with you from now on?"

As the old lady said, she walked towards him, took his hand, and looked at him kindly, "Yuchen, don't abandon grandma, let's not be so stalemate anymore, okay?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen looked down at her with indifferent eyes, "As long as you can't accept An Qiaoran for a day, I think it's fine."

An Qiaoran...

"Do you think... I'm too harsh on An Qiaoran?"

"..." Lu Yuchen didn't speak.

The old lady looked at him silently for a moment, then nodded, "Forget it, as long as you visit me often and talk with me, I won't ask about you and An Qiaoran anymore."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's body froze, he looked down at her, scrutinized her carefully, and discerned the authenticity of her words, "Really?"

"Really." The old lady nodded.

Lu Yuchen pursed his lips and remained silent, wondering if he should believe the old lady's words.

When the old lady and Chen Lanyu saw that he was silent, they knew that he was thinking, and they looked at each other.

Lu Yuchen stood there for a moment, thinking whether he should believe the old lady's words, when suddenly, a pungent fragrance hit him, his head was a little dizzy, and he asked in a low voice, "What smell?"

After hearing the words, the old lady sniffed it and said, "This is an incense for calming the nerves. I asked the housekeeper to buy it. I can't sleep at night. I need to light this incense to fall asleep."

"What do you order now when you are sleeping?" Lu Yuchen shook his head, trying to wake himself up, but his head became more and more dizzy, and his body fell to the side uncontrollably, supporting the coffee table beside him.

Seeing him like this, the old lady didn't show any tension on her face, she just looked at Chen Lanyu and the housekeeper beside her, "I think he is tired, and he feels sleepy after smelling this soothing incense, so help him upstairs to rest."

The housekeeper and Chen Lanyu agreed, and then stepped forward to help Lu Yuchen who was propped up on the coffee table.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly pushed Chen Lanyu away, then stared at the old lady with wide eyes, and gritted his teeth weakly, "You did it!"

The old lady didn't argue, but just shook her head, "You are too tired and need to rest."

As she spoke, she glanced at the butler again.

The butler understood, and quickly stepped forward to help the drowsy Lu Yuchen up.

This time, Lu Yuchen didn't have the strength to resist anymore, he had already passed out completely, and let the housekeeper and Chen Lanyu help him up the stairs.

Putting him on the big bed, the butler took the medicine box, put on disposable gloves, and began to pick off Lu Yuchen's pants...

(End of this chapter)

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