Chapter 632 Didn't Come Back All Night?
Chen Lanyu, who was watching all this, suddenly turned around, looked at the old lady, and said hesitantly, "Do you really want to do this?"

The housekeeper who was carrying out all this also stopped when he heard the sound, and also looked at the old lady, "If the young master knows, he will probably hate you even more."

The old lady was helpless when she heard the words, "I have no other choice but this."

The old lady said, and then looked at Chen Lanyu who looked worried, "Lan Yu, it's still too late for you to regret it now, after all, this is really unfair to you."

Hearing this, Chen Lanyu lowered her head, thought for a moment, and then said, "If I am pregnant with Yuchen's child, will he want me? He won't. But... the old lady..."

"I understand your thoughts about Yuchen, but Lan Yu, I won't force you, and if you don't want to, I won't force you either."

The old lady spoke kindly, her words became much more kind.

"Yuchen didn't have much communication with me since he was a child, and he was withdrawn by nature. When I grew up, I never thought that he would marry a woman like An Qiaoran. Not to mention whether An Qiaoran was destined to have a son, he was born. I wouldn't like it either."

The old lady said, looking at her, "The heir of the Lu family cannot have a mother like her."

Chen Lanyu was silent for a long time after hearing the words. After a long time, she looked at the old lady as if she had made a major decision, "Okay! But, I don't want Yuchen to know about it."

"Don't worry, only the three of us know about this matter. Even if the pregnancy is successful, we won't tell him. It's just like this... I've wronged you so much."

Chen Lanyu shook her head and said with a wry smile, "Anyway, I won't marry Yuchen in this life, and it's the same if I'm pregnant with his child."

Chen Lanyu's words made the old lady sigh, "Oh! Yuchen will marry An Qiaoran, this is beyond my expectation, if you hadn't had an accident..."

"Things have already happened, there are no ifs."

Chen Lanyu smiled wryly, then looked at Lu Yuchen who was in a coma, her eyes gradually turned red.


An Qiaoran woke up from hunger early the next morning, a little after six o'clock.

Turning over, I found that Lu Yuchen was not around, and the pillow was not warm, where did he go?Go to the company?

An Qiaoran got up, washed up casually, changed into home clothes, and went downstairs. He happened to see Nade who was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

"Butler De, have you seen Lu Yuchen?"

Nade, who was preparing the salad, turned around to look at her, and said as Lu Yu ordered last night, "The young master just said that he agreed to your conditions, and I don't know where to go."

Agree to her terms?Went to see the old lady?

"When did you leave?" An Qiaoran asked excitedly.

"Yesterday evening."

"Didn't come back all night?" An Qiaoran was a little surprised.

This Lu Yuchen also said that he didn't care about his grandma, but now he took care of his grandma for one night and didn't take her with him.

"Yes, there may be something wrong! Don't worry, young lady." Nade said comfortingly.

An Qiaoran didn't speak anymore, it was a good thing Lu Yuchen figured it out, she wouldn't worry.

All she cared about now was that her belly was being filled and she ran to the fridge for a piece of cake and sat down at the table to eat it.

At this time, a maid ran over and handed the phone to her, "Ma'am, looking for your number, it seems to be the old lady..."

(End of this chapter)

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