Chapter 633 A Complicated Scene

The old lady's phone...

An Qiaoran froze for a moment, then reached out to take it and put it next to her ear, "Old lady..."

"Yuchen is with me, come and pick him up!" After speaking, the old lady hung up the phone, and An Qiaoran didn't even have a chance to ask.

The old lady asked her to pick up Lu Yuchen?How is this going?

Although she had infinite doubts in her heart, after eating the cake in a hurry, she went upstairs to change her clothes, and then drove to the villa where the old lady was.

When An Qiaoran entered the hall, she saw the butler walking towards her, "Come upstairs with me!"

As the butler said, he turned and went upstairs, followed by An Qiaoran with a confused face.

An Qiaoran followed the butler all the way to a bedroom on the second floor, opened the door, came to the big bed, and saw Lu Yuchen lying on it.

What surprised her was Chen Lanyu who came out of the bathroom...

Chen Lanyu came out of the bathroom wearing black home clothes. When she saw An Qiaoran, she stopped and said with a smile, "Ran Ran, are you here?"

An Qiaoran couldn't understand the current situation at all, her eyes flicked between Lu Yuchen and Chen Lanyu, but she still couldn't see anything, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

Seeing that she was silent, Chen Lanyu glanced at Lu Yuchen, who was still awake, and explained, "That's right, Yuchen came to see the old lady last night. The old lady usually couldn't sleep well, so she lit the soothing incense. Unexpectedly, Yuchen If you don’t get used to it, you’ve been in a coma until now.”

An Qiaoran fixed her eyes on Lu Yuchen, her thin lips were pursed tightly, not knowing what to say.

"The water pipe in my room is broken, so I come to Yuchen's bathroom to take a bath. Don't doubt anything." Chen Lanyu was afraid that she would doubt her, so she continued to explain.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran's face became slightly moved. He glanced sideways at Chen Lanyu and said indifferently, "No, I trust you and Lu Yuchen."

Although the situation at the scene was somewhat complicated, she believed in Lu Yuchen no matter what.

After hearing An Qiaoran's words, Chen Lanyu's face turned pale, but she didn't say anything, she just glanced at Lu Yuchen and said, "You take him back! I'll go and change my clothes first."

After Chen Lanyu finished speaking, she left the room.

An Qiaoran was in a daze for a moment, then looked at the housekeeper, "Please, help me help her to the car?"

The housekeeper nodded, and together with An Qiaoran helped Lu Yuchen up, they went downstairs together.

When I came to the hall, I saw the old lady sitting on the sofa. An Qiaoran nodded to her as a greeting.

"Lan Yu likes Yuchen, do you know that?"

When An Qiaoran helped Lu Yuchen walk to the door, the old lady's voice sounded.

Her words made An Qiaoran stop, turned to look at the old lady, then nodded, "I know."

"Then what do you think, Yuchen finally came here and just passed out, can Lan Yu act as if nothing happened?"

What the old lady meant made An Qiaoran think of the scene where Chen Lanyu came out of Lu Yuchen's bathroom.

In just a second, she shook her head again, "I don't know what the old lady means by that, but I believe in my husband."

No matter what happened last night, she would trust Lu Yuchen, he would never let her down.

After hearing this, the old lady was stunned for a second, then she smiled, "You believe in Yuchen, but do you believe in Lan Yu? You have no idea how much she has sacrificed to love this man."


An Qiaoran was silent.

"I can tell you frankly that Yuchen's physique is very sensitive to this calming incense, and he smells a lot of it, so he will have hallucinations."

(End of this chapter)

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