Chapter 634 She Must Trust Him


Hearing this, An Qiaoran's body shook heavily, and asked subconsciously, "What hallucination?"

"What do you think?" The old lady didn't answer directly, but asked mysteriously.


An Qiaoran was silent.

Chen Lanyu likes Lu Yuchen so much, and Lu Yuchen happens to have hallucinations, a man and a widow are in the same room, what else can happen?
Thinking of this, the images that made her suffocate unconsciously appeared in An Qiaoran's mind.

Lu Yuchen and Chen Lanyu...they...

No... She has to trust Lu Yuchen, she has to trust him.

An Qiaoran tried to calm himself down, took a deep breath, and said to the old lady, "Thank you for the reminder, old lady, I will take good care of him when I go back."

An Qiaoran pretended not to understand, and then helped Lu Yuchen out of the gate of the villa.

At the stairway on the second floor, Chen Lanyu, who had heard all this, stood there, looking at An Qiaoran's back as he left, feeling a little guilty.

Perhaps, if she hadn't happened to be there, she wouldn't have believed it.


"An Qiaoran, you keep saying that you trust Lu Yuchen, will your trust decrease this time?"


An Qiaoran's car stopped at the entrance of the villa, and soon a servant came over, looked at the unconscious Lu Yuchen in the car, and asked suspiciously.

"Ma'am, what's the matter, sir?"

"He's in a coma." An Qiaoran didn't say any more after these four simple words, but just glanced at the bodyguard at the door, "Help me help him in."

The bodyguard put Lu Yuchen on the sofa and left. An Qiaoran knelt down to check him, and then ordered the maid beside him, "Bring me a basin of water."

An Qiaoran wiped Lu Yuchen's cheeks with a towel, looking at his chiseled face, the image of Chen Lanyu coming out of the bathroom emerged again.

"Lu Yuchen."

An Qiaoran tried to wake him up, but unfortunately she yelled many times, but it was useless.

She had so many things to ask him, but he was still in a coma. He had been in a coma all night and hadn't woken up yet.


Since the old lady knew that Lu Yuchen was allergic to Anshenxiang, why did she order it when Lu Yuchen was around.

Could it be... that he deliberately made Lu Yuchen faint?But...why would she do this?Isn't she still sick?But she didn't look sick at all in the way she spoke today.

Could it be that all of this is a big conspiracy?

An Qiaoran was thinking about it, but Lu Yuchen suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a hostility in his eyes.

An Qiaoran looked at it suddenly, a little scared, "Are you awake?"

Hearing her voice, Lu Yuchen looked at her, then looked around the hall, and finally confirmed that he had returned.

"How did I get back?" Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran and asked.

An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, and said, "The old lady told me to pick you up."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen just remembered the scene where the old woman stunned him last night, his eyes hardened, and he got up and wanted to go out.

An Qiaoran suddenly grabbed his hand, "Where are you going? You haven't explained to me clearly what's going on."

She went to pick him up for no reason, and now he wants to go out for no reason, and Chen Lanyu's matter has not been clarified yet, so she can't feel at ease.

Seeing the thirst for knowledge on An Qiaoran's face, Lu Yuchen sat down and began to talk about what happened last night.

"The old woman stunned me with incense, and then I passed out."

"It's not... Are you allergic to Anshenxiang?" An Qiaoran asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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