Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 636 The telegram that was hung up by Lu Yuchen

Chapter 636 The phone call hung up by Lu Yuchen

She said that she had a serious illness and forgot about the previous events, but she remembered everything except the one with Lu Yuchen!

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen just frowned, and said in a displeased voice, "You have selective amnesia."

She remembered all the bitterness and tiredness, but she forgot the meeting with him. Thinking about it, he felt very uncomfortable.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran also understood what he was dissatisfied with, "Maybe it's true!"

An Qiaoran said resentfully, he had missed her for so many years, but she had forgotten that it was indeed unfair to him.

Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran for a moment, and then said, "It's not important, anyway, you have appeared now, and it's useless to ask for those memories."

As Lu Yuchen spoke, the phone in his pocket vibrated, he frowned, and when he saw the caller ID, he picked it up impatiently, "What's the matter?"

I don't know what was said on the phone, Lu Yuchen said with a cold face, "It has nothing to do with me", and then hung up the phone.

"What's the matter? Who's calling?" An Qiaoran couldn't help asking, seeing Lu Yuchen's indifference.

"It's just harassing calls." Lu Yuchen said coldly.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran became even more puzzled, and when she was about to ask again, her cell phone rang.

After a glance, it seemed to be an unfamiliar number. When she was wondering whether to answer it, the phone had already been snatched by Lu Yuchen.

"What are you doing?" An Qiaoran looked at him dissatisfied.

Lu Yuchen didn't answer her first, but hung up the phone first, and then looked at her, "This is the harassing call just now, what can I do?"


An Qiaoran wanted to say something else, but Lu Yuchen said, "I'm hungry, go and cook for me."

Lu Yuchen said with a dissatisfied face, An Qiaoran had no choice but to get up and go to the kitchen to prepare food for him.

Seeing An Qiaoran's disappearing figure, Lu Yuchen lowered his eyes, and put the call just now into the blacklist, and then deleted it.

After finishing all this, he curled his lips in satisfaction, got up and walked towards the kitchen.


But on the other side at this time, on the island of country A, on the balcony on the second floor of the castle, Yun Mo dialed one phone after another, but they couldn't get through.

The housekeeper at the side looked at him like this, and couldn't help but said, "Lu Yuchen has never been nosy, and the refusal is expected, but... now the second young master has gone to Beicheng, and we have no one there, and Lu Yuchen refuses." Help, what can Miss Lan do?"

Yun Mo's mood was also very irritable at this time, looking at the undialed calls on the phone, his face was extremely gloomy.

"No matter what, I must let Lu Yuchen come forward, Yunxiao...he won't let Yan'er go."

Yun Mo said gloomyly, and then told the housekeeper, "Book me a ticket to Beicheng, I want to leave immediately and go to Beicheng!"

The housekeeper nodded and left, Yun Mo's hand was gradually clenched, and his eyes showed unprecedented firmness.

"Yan'er, wait for me!"


Since Lu Yuchen came back from the old lady, he went to the company as usual, and An Qiaoran also brought him lunch every day.

Although it was grandma's idea at first, An Qiaoran gradually realized that it felt good to bring him food.

Recently, Lu Yuchen seems to be a little special to her, insisting that she take some bodyguards with her wherever she goes.

Therefore, An Qiaoran went to IE every day with Nade as the driver.

On the way to the company, at the traffic light, An Qiaoran looked at the scenery outside the window.

Suddenly, a man wearing a peaked cap passed by on the side of the road. An Qiaoran looked at the man and was stunned for a while.

That person... is very similar to Yun Mo's younger brother, Yun Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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