Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 637 1 Something Must Have Happened

Chapter 637 Something Must Have Happened
But isn't he in country A?It's impossible to appear here. Could it be that she misread it?
The man walked so fast that he was out of her sight. An Qiaoran didn't see clearly, so he didn't think much about it.

She thought, maybe she was really wrong.

Nade came to Lu Yuchen's office with her, and after giving him the lunch box, he sat on the sofa and played games as usual.

Lu Yuchen was eating while working, and a secretary came to report during the period. Seeing that An Qiaoran was used to being here, he didn't say anything.

"Lu Yuchen, do you have a data cable? My phone is out of battery." An Qiaoran looked at the black screen of the phone and asked angrily.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen looked up at her, and glanced at the cabinet not far away, "There is a tablet over there."

This means that there is no data cable, but you can play with a tablet.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, looked at the tablet on the cabinet, said "oh", then walked over and took it, downloaded and installed it, and continued to play.

An Qiaoran spent the entire afternoon playing games, and soon it was time to get off work.

An Qiaoran quit the game, then looked at Lu Yuchen, "Let's go home."

Lu Yuchen nodded, picked up the coat on the chair and stood up, walked to the sofa, pulled her and walked out.

Suddenly, the door of the office was opened, and Ah Heng walked in with a heavy heart, "Mr. Lu, Young Master Yun came to the company and said he wanted to see you."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned tightly, and said impatiently, "No, let him go back."

With that said, he pulled An Qiaoran, who was in a daze, out of the office.

"Is it Yunmo?" An Qiaoran asked.

Lu Yuchen pursed his lips and did not speak.

An Qiaoran took him as his acquiescence, and suddenly remembered the person who looked like Yunxiao he saw on the way here, so he naturally thought of Yunmo.

"He came to look for you from such a long distance, could there be something wrong?" Country A is not an ordinary way to get here, and it takes a day and a night to fly.Yun Mo came to him in such a hurry, what should be the reason?
Lu Yuchen pulled her into the special elevator, frowning tightly, "No matter what he asked me for, it's his business, it has nothing to do with me, why should I see him?"

Lu Yuchen said it with a natural face, as if it really had nothing to do with him.

Hearing what he said, An Qiaoran was very helpless, "But aren't you and him a partner? And you still have a little friendship with him. If he really needs your help with something, you can't ignore him." !"

Lu Yuchen was a little dissatisfied when he heard An Qiaoran's rambling, "You don't know what's going on, so you just speak for him?"

Now she has been speaking for that Yunmo, Lu Yuchen is very upset.

"I'm not speaking for him, I'm just worried that something might happen to him..." An Qiaoran said helplessly.

"No... Judging from your tone, you seem to know why he came to you?" An Qiaoran asked suddenly, startled.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's color changed a little, he was a little uncomfortable, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and he remained silent.

Seeing him like this, An Qiaoran knew that he had guessed correctly, and couldn't help but think of the phone call yesterday.

It seems that the call was made by Yun Mo at that time. I don't know what Yun Mo said to him, but he said that it had nothing to do with him, and then hung up.

Later Yun Mo called her, but he also snatched her and hung up.

It seems that there is indeed something, but Lu Yuchen is unwilling to tell her.

(End of this chapter)

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