Chapter 638 For An Qiaoran's Face

Thinking about it, An Qiaoran became more puzzled and curious, took Lu Yuchen's hand and began to act like a baby.

"Lu Yuchen, Yunmo came all the way to look for you, there must be something important, you can go and have a look, okay?"


Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran who suddenly acted like a baby, his body was a little stiff, and he wanted to refuse, but he was helpless.

In the end, Lu Yuchen couldn't resist An Qiaoran, so he came to the lobby on the first floor, where he saw Yun Mo who was anxiously waiting.

An Qiaoran subconsciously wanted to run over, but her arm was grabbed by a big palm. An Qiaoran gave Lu Yuchen a helpless look, and followed him to Yunmo.

Seeing Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran, Yun Mo hurried over, "Young Master Lu..."

Lu Yuchen just glanced at Yun Mo, then sat down on the sofa beside him, and said indifferently, "I didn't want to care about your affairs with that woman, but An Qiaoran insisted that I come to see you."

You know, he has never resisted An Qiaoran's acting like a baby, so he naturally agreed.

Lu Yuchen said, then leaned lazily on the sofa, raised his eyes to look at Yun Mo, "Tell me, what's the situation now?"

Hearing this, Yunmo glanced gratefully at An Qiaoran standing beside Lu Yuchen, and said, "Just the morning before yesterday, Yunxiao suddenly kidnapped Yan'er. I sent someone to look for it, but found that he was on the plane that day. Came to the North City."

Yun Xiao kidnapped Lan Yan!

An Qiaoran was shocked when he heard the words. Thinking of the figure at the traffic light, he murmured, "So I read correctly..."

Yun Mo just glanced at her, and continued, "I don't have any power in Beicheng, trying to find Yan'er is like finding a needle in a haystack, so I can only ask Young Master Lu to help me find Yan'er."

"That's it?" Lu Yuchen looked at Yun Mo and raised his eyebrows.

"That's it." Yun Mo nodded.

Lu Yuchen was silent for a moment, glanced at An Qiaoran's hand pulling his sleeve, looked at him helplessly, and then looked at Yun Mo, "Okay! I promise to help you find Lan Yan, but I have one condition."

"Tell me, as long as you can find Yan'er and rescue her, I will agree to any conditions." Yun Mo said firmly.

"I want [-]% of Yun's shares." Lu Yuchen looked at him and spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Yun Mo was stunned for a moment, then nodded firmly, "Okay."

As long as Yan'er can be rescued, he is willing to give up everything.

Seeing Yun Mo's boldness, Lu Yuchen was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "The crown prince of Country A, whom everyone respects, would give up 10% of his shares because of a woman. She is very important to you?"

Hearing Lu Yuchen's ridicule, Yun Mo smiled helplessly, "Aren't you the same? Lu Yuchen, who is not close to women, still married Miss An?"

Listening to his words, Lu Yuchen subconsciously glanced at An Qiaoran beside him, pursed his lips and remained silent.

In the next second, he stood up and looked at Yun Mo, "I will let someone find out where Lan Yan is and rescue her. Go back and wait!"

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he pulled An Qiaoran and was about to leave. Suddenly, he stopped and turned to look at Yun Mo, "For the sake of An Qiaoran and Lan Yan's affection, I don't want your 10% of the shares."

Hearing this, Yun Mo was a little shocked, but still said, "Thank you, Young Master Lu."

Lu Yuchen didn't speak any more, and walked out of the company gate together with An Qiaoran in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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