Chapter 650 Stupid Woman and Stupid Man

Is he looking for trouble?
Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's entire face darkened, he looked at her angrily, and gritted his teeth, "You actually said that I am looking for trouble for nothing?"

Is it okay for him to be jealous?

"You originally..." An Qiaoran subconsciously wanted to say that he was just looking for trouble, but seeing his gloomy face, he subconsciously shut up, and could only say instead, "I just think you should rest assured In the stomach, don't think about those useless things."

"Hmph! You're the only one who can make me feel at ease?" She couldn't be "flirting" outside all day long.

"..." An Qiaoran realized that he was at a loss for words.

"OK, I made a mistake. I apologize to you, okay?" An Qiaoran said, and bowed to him, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu."

"Mr. Lu?" Lu Yuchen looked at her with squinted eyes, the dissatisfaction in his eyes was obvious, and he obviously didn't like her title.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran wanted to bite off the tongue of time, and said instead, "It's not Mr. Lu, it's Lu..."

Before the word "General" was uttered, Lu Yuchen stared back at her. An Qiaoran quickly changed her words, "It's my husband~"

"Hmm..." Lu Yuchen responded with satisfaction, and reached out to stroke her lips, "Say it again."


She is apologetic...

"Husband." An Qiaoran couldn't stand his eyes, so she could only shout.

It's just an apology. An Qiaoran felt a little unhappy because he was taken advantage of for no reason.

"I call you husband, so what do you call me?" An Qiaoran still asked unwillingly.

He hasn't seriously called her wife yet!Although it sounds nasty, she is still unwilling.

Why can he call her by her first and last name, but let her call him husband, and call her over and over again.

When Lu Yuchen heard the words, he narrowed his eyes and couldn't help asking, "Do you know how to fight back?"

There are times when her mind is so bright?
"What counterattack?" An Qiaoran couldn't understand.

She just reminded him in disguise.

"What do you want me to call you?" Lu Yuchen looked at her and said with interest.

"A husband and wife are a couple!" An Qiaoran answered him naively, "What do you think you should call me?"

"Hmm..." Lu Yuchen responded, pretending to be thinking, and after a while, he looked at her with a smile in his eyes, "Seeing how stupid you are, I'll call you a stupid woman."

As Lu Yuchen spoke, he was still excited, reached out and raised her chin, and said very 'intimately', "Silly woman, do you like this title?"

Lu Yuchen's shameless appearance made An Qiaoran feel dumb, and she looked at him angrily, and after a while, she smiled slyly.

"Okay! I like this name very much, I like it." An Qiaoran smiled very hard, and followed his movements, reached out to lift his chin, and looked up at him, "Then I will call you Stupid man? Okay? This sounds more like a couple with a stupid woman."

Isn't it just a joke?Who wouldn't?
An Qiaoran smiled triumphantly in her heart, but she didn't notice that Lu Yuchen frowned tightly when she heard the words "stupid man".

Stupid man?These words sounded so naive, but he didn't intend to resist, but felt helpless for An Qiaoran's innocence.

"Your man is not stupid. Calling me that way doesn't match my identity? Huh?" Lu Yuchen reached out to hold her hand that raised his chin, and asked with raised eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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