Chapter 651 A Little Tsundere

Seeing that there was no anger in Lu Yuchen's eyes, An Qiaoran pulled out her hand and said casually, "Although it doesn't match your identity, it matches me! A stupid woman and a stupid man are made for each other, isn't it good? "

Doesn't he just like to call her a silly woman?Then she can call him a stupid man. Anyway, there is no difference between stupid and stupid.

Hearing An Qiaoran's sophistry, Lu Yuchen was very helpless, "Silly women call it fluently, but stupid men sound awkward and unpleasant."

Hearing Lu Yuchen's words, An Qiaoran couldn't help looking at him, "Stupid women can sing easily? I think stupid men can also pronounce and listen well, and I think it's good."

An Qiaoran's tone sounded a little angry.

Looking at her dissatisfied pouting mouth, Lu Yuchen was helpless, and couldn't help feeling funny again. He stretched out his hand and scratched her nose, "Isn't it because you didn't call your wife? As for irritating me like this?"

Call him a stupid man?Isn't it because he refuses to call her wife?Still pouting!childish.

As Lu Yuchen thought about it, he felt amused in his heart, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

His thoughts were uttered by him, An Qiaoran's face instantly turned red, and he bowed his head not knowing what to say.

After a while, she looked up at him and said stubbornly, "I call you husband, shouldn't you call me wife? You are taking advantage of me, it's not fair."

An Qiaoran pouted dissatisfiedly, and Lu Yuchen watched, with a wide smile on the corner of his mouth, "You are talking about it, why is it unfair? Since ancient times, you have to obey my husband when you marry a husband and obey your husband."

"That's an ancient man, and I'm not."

"Then are you a woman?" Lu Yuchen said, "If you are a woman, you have to listen to a man, do you understand?"

"Then are you a man?" An Qiaoran asked dissatisfiedly.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen squinted his eyes and leaned closer to her, "Am I a man? Don't you know?"

The smile on the corner of Lu Yuchen's mouth was extremely ambiguous, An Qiaoran subconsciously backed away, but he grabbed him into his arms, and Junpang approached.

Looking at his straight eyes, An Qiaoran thought to himself that it was bad, she really didn't open which pot and which pot to carry, she must have said something wrong!deserve it!

An Qiaoran scolded herself once, then reached out and pushed him, "What do you want to do?"

"Prove that I'm a man!" Lu Yuchen said, looking at her ambiguously.

"No... no... no need, my daughter has already proved it for you, so there is no need to prove it, ha ha." Seeing that the situation was not right, An Qiaoran immediately reversed his mood.

"How can my daughter prove it? I want to prove it to you myself." Lu Yuchen said, then bent down and hugged her horizontally.

"Hey!" An Qiaoran was so shocked that he quickly grabbed his clothes and refused, "It's really unnecessary, Lu Yuchen!"

An Qiaoran was only focused on resisting, and didn't realize that his voice was so loud that Yun Mo and Lan Yan on the sofa below heard it, and naturally saw Lu Yuchen carrying An Qiaoran who was struggling anxiously, going upstairs.

Seeing such a scene, Lan Yan couldn't help laughing, "It seems that Lu Yuchen and Sister Ran Ran have a very good relationship!"

Hearing this, Yun Mo looked down at her, lowered his head and kissed her lips, and then said, "It's very good, but An Qiaoran doesn't seem to be very fond of Lu Yuchen's way of pampering. Compared with An Qiaoran, you It's much better."

"Who said that? I think, Sister Ran Ran is very good!" Lan Yan looked in the direction of the stairs and said with relief.

"Yes, but I'm a little arrogant. I really don't know that Lu Yuchen tamed her so much back then." Yun Mo said, looking down at Lan Yan, "Do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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