Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 656 Planted a Row of Strawberries Around His Neck

Chapter 656 Planted a Row of Strawberries Around His Neck
Seeing that he was really unwilling, An Qiaoran couldn't care less, she tiptoed angrily and brought her lips to his lips, bit hard, and after confirming that the teeth marks had been left, she stepped back and wiped his lips. mouth.

The action of her wiping her mouth undoubtedly provoked Lu Yuchen, "What do you mean by wiping your mouth?"

She still detests him?
An Qiaoran: "..."

Her actions were completely unconscious, why did she change her taste in his eyes?
"I'm just drooling, wipe it off, can't you?" An Qiaoran said with a straight face.


When she said this, Lu Yuchen didn't know what to say, and reached out to touch his lips, which still hurt a little.

However, there is her taste.

"You want me to plant strawberries on you? I thought about it, and I still have to satisfy you. Do you still need it now?" Lu Yuchen looked at him and asked with raised eyebrows.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran froze for a moment, then nodded, "Need, but it must be at the location I designated."

"Okay!" Lu Yuchen pursed his lips.

An Qiaoran approached him, stretched out his hand, rolled up his sleeves, and said, "It's ok, it's right here, don't cross the line."

"it is good!"

Lu Yuchen curled his lips into a smile, reached out and raised her hand, then brought his lips together, and kissed deeply, or kissed, or sucked, or bit.

"Take it easy, it hurts me." An Qiaoran said with a frown.His teeth were too sharp, and it hurt her a little bit.

Lu Yuchen didn't respond to her and continued to grow strawberries.

After going on for quite a while, Lu Yuchen let go of her, looked at the rows of strawberry marks on her arms, and showed a satisfied expression, "It's done."

An Qiaoran looked at the rows of marks on his hand, feeling a little helpless, "You have crossed the line, but it's okay."

As An Qiaoran said, he pushed Lu Yuchen on the cabinet, lifted his chin, and looked at his sexy neck.

Lu Yuchen looked at her, not knowing what she was going to do.

hum!Make her feel bad, and he make him feel bad too!

An Qiaoran smiled, and then moved her lips to bite his neck, neither light nor heavy, not bad.

Feeling the touch of her lips, Lu Yuchen's body froze, and the touch of her tongue brushing against his skin made him numb all over, and subconsciously wanted to reach out and hug her.

But An Qiaoran seemed to know that he would lose control, and said quickly, "Don't move! If you move now, you won't be able to move in the future."

Still threatening him?

Lu Yuchen felt a little helpless when he heard her childish words.But she didn't move anymore, and let her do anything wrong to him.

An Qiaoran desperately planted strawberries on Lu Yuchen's neck based on how he felt about him before landing.

After a while, she finally let go of him, looking at the series of strawberries around his neck, imagining the scene of him going to the company tomorrow and being watched by many employees, so relieved.

An Qiaoran thought and smiled triumphantly.

Seeing the smile on her face, Lu Yuchen felt a little helpless, turned around and looked at himself in the mirror, with a row of strawberries on his neck.

At this moment, he realized that after a long time, this little woman wanted to plant strawberries on his neck.

This idea... really made him a little dumbfounded.

Seeing the joy on An Qiaoran's face, Lu Yuchen felt a little helpless, only then did he realize that she also had strawberries on her neck.

Dare to love, she is taking revenge on him.

"So you asked me when I will go to the company, and that's what I want?" Lu Yuchen asked her, pointing at her neck.

"Yeah." An Qiaoran nodded and found that he hadn't put on his pants yet, so he said, "Put on your pants first, I'll go out first."

(End of this chapter)

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